CELLARIUS (Christopher)
, a learned geographer and historiographer of the 17th century. He was born in 1638, at Smalcalde in Franconia, where his father was minister. Our author was successively rector of the colleges at Weymar, Zeits, and Mersbourg, and professor of eloquence and history in the university founded by the king of Prussia at Hall in 1693, where he composed the greatest part of his works.
His great application to study hastened the infirmities of old age; for it has been said, he would spend whole days and nights together over his books, without any attention to his health, or even the calls of nature. He died in 1707, at 69 years of age.
Cellar was author of an amazing number of books, upon various subjects; but those on account of which he has a place here, are his geographical works, which are as follow:
1. Notitia Orbis Antiqui, 2 vols in 4to; and is esteemed the best work extant on the ancient geography.
2. Atlas Cœlestis; in folio.
3. Historia Antiqua, 2 vols in 12mo; being an abridgement of universal history.