, or Disjunct, Proportion, is that in which the ratio between two or more pairs of numbers is the same, and yet the proportion is not continued, so as that the ratio may be the same between the consequent of one pair and the antecedent of the next pair.
Thus, if the numbers or proportion 6 : 8 :: 3 : 4 be considered: the ratio of 6 to 8 is the same as that of 3 to 4, and therefore these four numbers are proportional: but it is only discretely or disjunctly, and not continued; for 8 to 3 is not the same ratio as the former; that is, the proportion is broken off between 8 and 3, and not continued all along, as it is in these fol- lowing four numbers, which are called continual proportionals, viz, 3 : 6 :: 12 : 24.
Discrete Quantity, is such as is not continued and joined together. Such for instance is any number; for its parts, being distinct units, cannot be united into one continuum; for in a continuum there are no actual determinate parts before division, but they are potentially infinite: so that it is usually and truly said that continued quantity is divisible in infinitum.