, in Astronomy. See Draco.
Dragon's Head, and Tail, are the nodes of the planets, but more particularly of the moon, being the points in which the ecliptic is intersected by her orbit, in an angle of about 5° 18′.
One of these points looks northward, the moon beginning then to have north latitude; and the other southward, where she commences south latitude; the former point being represented by the knot for the head, and the other by the same reversed, or for the tail. And near these points it is that all eclipses of the sun and moon happen.
This deviation of the path of the moon from the ecliptic seems, according to the fancy of some, to make a figure like that of a dragon, whose belly is at the part where she has the greatest latitude; the intersections representing the head and tail, from which resemblance the denomination arises.
These intersections are not always in the same two points of the ecliptic, but shift by a retrograde motion, at the rate of 3′ 11″ per day, and completing their circle in 18 years 225 days.
Dragon-Beams, in Architecture, are two strong braces or struts, standing under a breast-summer, and meeting in an angle on the shoulder of the king-piece.
DRAM. See Drachm.
DRAUGHT-Compasses, those provided with several moveable points, to draw fine draughts in architecture &c. See Compass.
DRAUGHT-Hooks, are large hooks of iron, fixed on the cheeks of a<*>gun-carriage, two on each side, one near the trunnion hole, and the other at the train.
DRAW-Bridge, a bridge made after the manner of a floor, to be drawn up, or let down, as occasion requires, before the gate of a town or castle.