, or Ingineer, is applied to a contriver or maker of any kind of useful engines or machines; or who is particularly skilled or employed in them. And he is denominated either a civil or military Engineer, according as the objects of his profession respect civil or military purposes.
A military Engineer should be an expert mathematician and draughtsman, and particularly versed in fortification and gunnery, being the person officially employed to direct the operations both for attacking and defending works. When at a siege the Engineers have narrowly surveyed the place, they are to make their report to the general, or commander, by acquainting him which part they judge the weakest, and where approaches may be made with most success. It is their business also to draw the lines of circumvallation and contravallation; also to mark out the trenches, places of arms, batteries, and lodgments, and in general to direct the workmen in all such operations.