FRANKLIN (Dr. Benjamin)
, one of the most celebrated philosophers and politicians of the 18th century, was born in Boston in North America in the year 1706, being the youngest of 13 children. His father was a tallow-chandler in Boston, and young Franklin was taken from school at 10 years of age, to assist him in his business. In this situation he continued two years; but disliking that occupation, he was bound apprentice to an elder brother, who was then a printer in Boston, but had learned that business in London, and who in the year 1721 began to print a newspaper, being the second ever published in America; the copies of which our author was sent to distribute, after having assisted in composing and printing it. Upon this occasion, our young philosopher enjoyed the secret and singular pleasure of being the much admired author of many essays in this paper; a circumstance which he had the address to keep a secret even from his brother himfelf; and this when he was only 15 years of age. The frequent ill usage from his brother, induced young Franklin to quit his service, which he did, at the age of 17, and went to New York. But not meeting employment here, he went forward to Philadelphia, where he worked with a printer a short time; after which, at the instance of Sir William Keith, governor of the province, he returned to Boston to solicit pecuniary assistance from his father to set up a printing-house for himself at Philadelphia, upon the promise of great encouragement from Sir William, &c. His father however thought fit to refuse such aid, alleging that he was yet too young (18 years old) to be entrusted with such a concern; so our author again returned to Philadelphia without it. Upon this, Sir William said he would advance the sum that might be necessary, and our young philosopher should go to England, and purchase all the types and materials, for which purpose he would give him letters of credit. He could never however get these letters, yet by dint of fair promises of their being sent on board the ship after him, he failed for England, expecting these letters of credit were in the governor's packet, which he was to receive upon its being opened. In this however he was cruelly deceived, and thus he was sent to London without either money, friends, or credit, at 18 years of age.
He soon found employment, however, as a journeyman printer, first at a Mr. Palmer's, and afterward with Mr. Watts, with whom he worked a considerable time, and by whom he was greatly esteemed, being also treated with such kindness, that it was always most gratefully remembered by our philosopher.
After a stay of 18 months in London, he returned to Philadelphia, viz in 1726, along with a merchant of that town, as his clerk, on a salary of 50 pounds a year. But his master dying the year after, he again engaged to direct the printing business of the same person with whom he had worked before. After continuing with him the best part of a year, our philosopher, in partnership with another young man, at length set up a printing-house himself.
A little before this time, young Franklin had gradually associated a number of persons, like himself, of a rational and philosophical turn of mind, and formed them into a club or society, to hold meetings, to converse and communicate their sentiments together, for their mutual improvement in all kinds of useful knowledge, which was in high repute for many years after. Among many other useful regulations, they agreed to bring such books as they had into one place, to form a common library. This resource being found defective, at Franklin's persuasion they resolved to contribute a small sum monthly towards the purchase of books for their use from London. Thus their stock began to increase rapidly; and the inhabitants of Philadelphia, being desirous of having a share in their literary knowledge, proposed that the books should be lent out on paying a small sum for the indulgence. Thus in a few years the society became rich, and possessed more books than were perhaps to be found in all the other colonies: the collection was advanced into a public library; and the other colonies, sensible of its advantages, began to form similar plans; from whence originated the libraries at Boston, New York, Charlestown, &c; that of Philadelphia being now not inferior to any in Europe.
About 1728 or 1729, young Franklin set up a newspaper, the second in Philadelphia, which proved very profitable, and otherwise useful, as affording an opportunity of making himself known as a political writer, by inserting several of his writings of that kind into it. In addition to his printing-house, he set up a shop to sell books and stationary; and in 1730 he married his wife, who proved very usesul in assisting to manage the shop, &c. He afterward began to have some leisure, both for reading books, and writing them, of which he gave many specimens from time to time. In 1732 he began to publish Poor Richard's Almanac, which was continued for many years. It was always remarkable for the numerous and valuable concise maxims which it contained, for the œconomy of human life, all tending to exhort to industry and frugality: and in the almanac for the last year, all the maxims were collected in an address to the reader, entitled, The Way to Wealth. This has been translated into various languages, and inserted in different publications. It has also been printed on a large sheet, proper to be framed, and hung up in conspicuous places in all houses, as it| very well deserves to be. Mr. Franklin became gradually more known for his political talents, and in the year 1736, he was appointed clerk to the General Assembly of Pennsylvania; and was re-elected by succeeding assemblies for several years, till he was chosen a representative for the city of Philadelphia; and in 1737 he was appointed post-master of that city. In 1738, he formed the first fire-company there, to extinguish and prevent fires and the burning of houses: an example which was soon followed by other persons, and other places. And soon after, he suggested the plan of an association for insuring houses and ships from losses by sire, which was adopted; and the association continues to this day. In the year 1744, during a war between France and Great Britain, some French and Indians made inroads upon the frontier inhabitants of the province, who were unprovided for such an attack: the situation of the province was at this time truly alarming, being destitute of every means of defence. At this crisis Franklin stepped forth, and proposed to a meeting of the citizens of Philadelphia, a plan of a voluntary association for the defence of the province. This was approved of, and signed by 1200 persons immediately. Copies of it were circulated through the province; and in a short time the number of signers amounted to 10,000. Franklin was chosen colonel of the Philadelphia regiment; but he did not think proper to accept of the honour.
Pursuits of a different nature now occupied the greatest part of his attention for some years. Being always much addicted to the study of natural philosophy; and the discovery of the Leyden experiment in electricity having rendered that science an object of general curiosity; Mr. Franklin applied himself to it, and soon began to distinguish himself eminently in that way. He engaged in a course of electrical experiments with all the ardour and thirst for discovery which characterized the philosophers of that day. By these, he was enabled to make a number of important discoveries, and to propose theories to account for various phenomena; which have been generally adopted, and which will probably endure for ages. His observations he communicated, in a series of letters, to his sriend Mr. Collinson; the first of which is dated March 28, 1747. In these he makes known the power of points in drawing and throwing off the electric matter, which had hitherto escaped the notice of electricians. He also made the discovery of a plus and minus, or of a positive and negative state of electricity; from whence in a satisfactory manner he explained the phenomena of the Leyden phial, first observed by Cuneus or Muschenbroeck, which had much perplexed philosophers. He shewed that the bottle, when charged, contained no more electricity than before, but that as much was taken from one side as was thrown on the other; and that, to discharge it, it was only necessary to make a communication between the two sides, by which the equilibrium might be restored, and that then no signs of electricity would remain. He afterwards demonstrated by experiments, that the electricity did not reside in the coating, as had been supposed, but in the pores of the glass itself. After a phial was charged, he removed the coating, and found that upon applying a new coating the shock might still be received. In the year 1749, he first suggested his idea of explaining the phenomena of thunder-gusts, and of the aurora borealis, upon electrical principles. He points out many particulars in which lightning and electricity agree; and he adduces many facts, and reasoning from facts, in support of his positions. In the same year he conceived the bold and grand idea of ascertaining the truth of his doctrine, by actually drawing down the forked lightning, by means of sharp-pointed iron rods raised into the region of the clouds; from whence he derived his method of securing buildings and ships from being damaged by lightning. It was not until the summer of 1752 that he was enabled to complete his grand discovery the experiment of the electrical kite, which being raised up into the clouds, brought thence the electricity or lightning down to the earth; and M. D'Alibard made the experiment about the same time in France, by following the track which Franklin had before pointed out. The letters which he sent to Mr. Collinson, it is said, were refused a place among the papers of the Royal Society of London; and Mr. Collinson published them in a separate volume, under the title of New Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadelphia, in America; which were read with avidity, and soon translated into different languages. His theories were at first opposed by several philosophers, and by the members of the Royal Society of London; but in 1755, when he returned to that city, they voted him the gold medal which is annually given to the person who presents the best paper on some interesting subject. He was also admitted a member of the Society, and had the degree of doctor of laws conferred upon him by different universities: but at this time, by reason of the war which broke out between Britain and France, he returned to America, and interested himself in the public affairs of that country. Indeed he had done this long before; for although philosophy was a principal object of Franklin's pursuit for several years, he did not confine himself to it alone. In the year 1747 he became a member of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, as a burgess for the city of Philadelphia. Being a friend to the rights of man from his infancy, he soon distinguished himself as a steady opponent of the unjust schemes of the proprietaries. He was soon looked up to as the head of the opposition; and to him have been attributed many of the spirited replies of the assembly, to the messages of the governors. His influence in the body was very great. This arose not from any superior powers of eloquence; he spoke but seldon and he never was known to make any thing like an elaborate harangue. His speeches often consisted of a single sentence, or of a well-told story, the moral of which was always obviously to the point. He never attempted the flowery fields of oratory. His manner was plain and mild. His style in speaking was, like that of his writings, simple, unadorned, and remarkably concise. With this plain manner, and his penetrating and solid judgment, he was able to confound the most eloquent and subtle of his adversaries, to confirm the opinions of his friends, and to make converts of the unprejudiced who had opposed him. With a single observation, he has rendered of no avail a long and elegant discourse, and determined the fate of a question of importance.
In the year 1749, he proposed a plan of an academy,| to be erected in the city of Philadelphia, as a foundation for posterity to erect a seminary of learning, more extensive and suitable to future circumstances; and in the beginning of 1750, three of the schools were opened, namely, the Latin and Greek school, the Mathematical, and the English schools. This foundation soon after gave rise to another more extensive college, incorporated by charter May 27, 1755, which still subsists, and in a very flourishing condition. In 1752, he was instrumental in the establishment of the Pennsylvania Hospital, for the cure and relief of indigent invalids, which has proved of the greatest use to that class of persons. Having conducted himself so well as Postmaster of Philadelphia, he was, in 1753, appointed Deputy Postmaster-general for the whole British colonies.
The colonies being much exposed to depredations in their frontier by the Indians and the French, at a meeting of commissioners from several of the provinces, Mr. Franklin proposed a plan for the general defence, to establish in the colonies a general government, to be administered by a president-general, appointed by the crown, and by a grand council, consisting of members chosen by the representatives of the different colonies; a plan which was unanimously agreed to by the commissioners present. The plan however had a singular fate: It was disapproved of by the ministry of Great Britain, because it gave too much power to the representatives of the people; and it was rejected by every assembly, as giving to the president general, who was to be the representative of the crown, an influence greater than appeared to them proper, in a plan of government intended for freemen. Perhaps this rejection, on both sides, is the strongest proof that could be adduced of the excellence of it, as suited to the situation of Great Britain and America at that time. It appears to have steered exactly in the middle, between the opposite interests of both. Whether the adoption of this plan would have prevented the separation of America from Great Britain, is a question which might afford much room for speculation.
In the year 1755, General Braddock, with some regiments of regular troops, and provincial levies, was sent to dispossess the French of the posts upon which they had seized in the back settlements. After the men were all ready, a difficulty occurred, which had nearly prevented the expedition. This was the want of waggons. Franklin now stepped forward, and, with the assistance of his son, in a little time procured 150. After the defeat of Braddock, Franklin introduced into the assembly a bill for organizing a militia, and had the dexterity to get it passed. In consequence of this act a very respectable militia was formed; and Franklin was appointed colonel of a regiment in Philadelphia, which confisted of 1200 men; in which capacity he acquitted himself with much propriety, and was of singular service; though this militia was soon after disbanded by order of the English ministry.
In 1757, he was sent to England, with a petition to the king and council, against the proprietaries, who refused to bear any share in the public expences and assessments; which he got settled to the satisfaction of the state. After the completion of this business, Franklin remained at the court of Great Britain for some time, as agent for the province of Pennsylvania; and also for those of Massachusetts, Maryland, and Georgia. Soon after this, he published his Canada pamphlet, in which he pointed out, in a very forcible manner, the advantages that would result from the conquest of this province from the French. An expedition was accordingly planned, and the command given to General Wolfe; the success of which is well known. He now divided his time indeed between philosophy and politios, rendering many services to both. Whilst here, he invented the elegant musical instrument called the Armonica, formed of glasses played on by the fingers. In the summer of 1762 he returned to America; on the passage to which he observed the singular effect produced by the agitation of a vessel, containing oil floating on water: the upper surface of the oil remained smooth and undisturbed, whilst the water was agitated with the utmost commotion. On his return he received the thanks of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, which having annually elected him a member in his absence, he again took his seat in this body, and continued a steady defender of the liberties of the people.
In 1764, by the intrigues of the proprietaries, Franklin lost his seat in the assembly, which he had possessed for 14 years; but was immediately appointed provincial agent to England, for which country he presently set out. In 1766 he was examined before the parliament relative to the stamp-act; which was soon after repealed. The same year he made a journey into Holland and Germany; and another into France; being everywhere received with the greatest respect by the literati of all nations. In 1773 he attracted the public attention by a letter on the duel between Mr. Whately and Mr. Temple, concerning the publication of Governor Hutchinson's letters, declaring that he was the person who had discovered those' letters. On the 29th of January next year, he was examined before the privy-council on a petition he had presented long before as agent for Massachusetts Bay against Mr. Hutchinson: but this petition being disagreeable to ministry, it was precipitately rejected, and Dr. Franklin was soon after removed from his office of Postmaster-general for America. Finding now all efforts to restore harmony between Great Britain and her colonies useless, he returned to America in 1775; just after the commencement of hostilities. Being named one of the delegates to the Continental Congress, he had a principal share in bringing about the revolution and declaration of independency on the part of the colonies. In 1776 he was deputed by Congress to Canada, to negociate with the people of that country, and to persuade them to throw off the British yoke; but the Canadians had been so much disgusted with the hot-headed zeal of the New Englanders, who had burnt some of their chapels, that they refused to listen to the proposals, though enforced by all the arguments Dr. Franklin could make use of. On his return to Philadelphia, Congress, sensible how much he was esteemed in France, sent him thither to put a sinishing hand to the private negociations of Mr. Silas Deane; and this important commission was readily accepted by the Doctor, though then in the 71st year of his age. The event is well known; a treaty of alliance and commerce was signed between France and America; and M. Le Roi asserts, that the Doctor had a great share in the transaction, by strongly advising M. Maurepas not| to lose a single moment, if he wished to secure the friendship of America, and to detach it from the mother-country. In 1777 he was regularly appointed plenipotentiary from Congress to the French court; but obtained leave of dismission in 1780. Having at length seen the full accomplishment of his wishes by the conclusion of the peace in 1783, which gave independency to America, he became desirous of revisiting his native country. He therefore requested to be recalled; and, after repeated solicitations, Mr. Jefferson was appointed in his stead. On the arrival of his successor, he repaired to Havre de Grace, and crossing the channel, landed at Newport in the Isle of Wight; from whence, after a favourable passage, he arrived safe at Philadelphia in September 1785. He was received amidst the acclamations of a vast multitude who flocked from all parts to see him, and who conducted him in triumph to his own house; where in a few days he was visited by the members of the Congress and the principal inhabitants of Philadelphia. He was afterward twice chosen president of the Assembly of Philadelphia; but his increasing infirmities obliged him to ask permission to retire, and to spend the remainder of his life in tranquillity; which was granted, in 1788. After this, the infirmities of age increased fast upon him; he became more and more afflicted with the gout and the stone, till the time of his death, which happened the 17th of April 1790, about 11 at night, at 84 years of age; leaving one son, governor William Franklin, a zealous loyalist, who now resides in London; and a daughter, married to Mr. William Bache, merchant in Philadelphia.
Doctor Franklin was author of many tracts on electricity, and other branches of natural philosophy, as well as on politics, and miscellaneous subjects. He had also many papers inserted in the Philosophical Transactions, from the year 1757 to 1774.