, Fulminans, or Fulminating, an epithet applied to something that thunders, or makes a noise like thunder.
Aurum Fulminans. See Aurum.
Pulvis Fulminans, is a composition of 3 parts of nitre, 2 parts of salt of tartar, and 1 of sulphur.—Both the Aurum and Pulvis Fulminans produce their effect chiefly downwards; in which they disfer from gunpowder, which acts in orbem, or all around, but principally upwards. When the composition is laid in brass ladles, and so set on sire, aster fulmination, the ladles are often found perforated. It differs also from gunpowder in this, that it does not require to be confined, in order to fulminate, and it must be slowly and gradually heated. Some instants before explosion, a light blue flame appears on its surface, proceeding from the vapours beginning to kindle. No more fire or flame is perceived during the fulmination, being suffocated and extinguished by the quickness and violence of the commotion. Nor does the Fulminating powder| generally kindle the combustible bodies in contact with it, because the time of its inflammation is too short.
Fulminating Damp. See Damp.