, in the Ancient Architecture, a building with 6 columns in front.
HIERO's Crown, in Hydrostatics. The history of this crown, and of the important hydrostatical proposition which it gave occasion to, is as follows: Hiero, king of Syracuse, having furnished a workman with a quantity of gold for making a crown, suspected that he had been cheated, by the workman using a greater alloy of silver than was necessary in making it; and he applied to Archimedes to discover the fraud, without defacing the crown.
This celebrated mathematician was led by chance to a method of detecting the imposture, and of determining precisely the quantities of gold and silver composing the crown: for he observed, when bathing in a tub of water, that the water ran over as his body entered it, and <*>e presently concluded that the quantity so running over was equal to the bulk of his body that was immersed. He was so pleased with the discovery, that it is said he ran about naked crying out, eu(/rhxa, eu(/rhxa, I have found it; and some affirm that he offered a hetacomb to Jupiter for having inspired him with the thought.
On this principle he procured a ball or mass of gold, and another of silver, exactly of the same weight with the crown; considering, that, if the crown were of pure gold, it would be of equal bulk and expel an equal quantity of water as the golden ball; and if it were of silver, then it would be of equal bulk and expel an equal quantity of water with the ball of silver; but of intermediate quantity, if it consisted of a mixture of the two, gold and silver; which, upon trial, he found to be the case; and hence, by a comparison of the quantities of water displaced by the three masses, he discovered the exact portions of gold and silver in the crown.
Now, suppose, for example, that each of the three masses weighed 100 ounces; and that on immersing them severally in water, there were displaced 5 ounces of water by the golden ball, 9 ounces by the silver, and 6 ounces by the compound, or crown; that is, their respective or comparative bulks are as 5, 9, and 6, the sum of which is 20.
Then the method of operation is this:
From | 9 | 6 |
Táke | 6 | 5 |
rem. | 3 | 1, whose sum is 4. |
See Cotes Hydros. Lect. p. 81; or Martin's Philos. Britan, vol. 1, p. 305, &c. See also Specific Gravity.
HIGH-Water, that state of the tides when they have flowed to their greatest height, or have ceased to flow or rise. At High-water the motion commonly ceases for a quarter or half an hour, before it begin to ebb again. The times of High-water of every day of the moon's age, is usually computed from that which is observed on the day of the full or change; viz, by taking 4-5ths of the moon's age on any day of the month, and adding it to the time of High-water on the day of the full or change; then is the sum nearly equal to the time of High-water on the day of the month proposed. And as to the times of High-water, on the day of the full and change of the moon, at many different places; they have been observed as they are set down in the followiug table.|
Table of the Times of High-water on the Days of the New and Full Moons, at many different Places. | |||||
Names of Places. | Countries. | High-w. | Names of Places. | Countries. | High-w. |
Aberdeen | Scotland | 0h 45 m | Dort | Holland | 3h 0m |
Aldborough | England | 9 45 | Dover | England | 11 30 |
Alderney I. | England | 12 0 | Downs | England | 1 15 |
Amazons River | South America | 6 0 | Dublin | Ireland | 9 15 |
Amsterdam | Holland | 3 0 | Dunbar | Scotland | 2 30 |
Amsterdam I. of | South Seas | 8 30 | Dundee | Scotland | 2 15 |
Andrew's St. | Scotland | 2 15 | Dungarvan | Ireland | 4 30 |
Anholt I. | Denmark | 0 0 | Dungeness | England | 9 45 |
Antwerp | Flanders | 6 0 | Dunkirk | France | 0 0 |
Archangel | Russia | 6 0 | Dunnose | I. of Wight | 9 45 |
Arran I. | Ireland | 11 0 | Dusky Bay | N. Zealand | 10 57 |
Ashley Riv. | Carolina | 0 45 | Easter Isle | Chili | 2 0 |
Augustine St. | Florida | 7 30 | Edystone | English Channel | 5 30 |
Bajador Ca. | Negroland | 0 0 | Elbe R. | Germany | 0 0 |
Baltimore | Ireland | 4 30 | Embden | Germany | 0 0 |
Barfleur Ca. | France | 7 30 | Estaples | France | 11 0 |
Bayonne | France | 3 30 | Falmouth | England | 5 30 |
Beachy-head | England | 0 0 | Flamborough H. | England | 4 0 |
N. and S. Bear | Labradore | 12 0 | C. Florida | Florida | 7 30 |
Belfast | Ireland | 10 0 | Flushing | Holland | 0 45 |
Bellisle | France | 3 30 | N. Foreland | England | 9 45 |
Bermudas I. | Bahama I. | 7 0 | Foulness | England | 6 45 |
Berwick | England | 2 30 | Fowey | England | 5 15 |
Blackney | England | 6 0 | Fayal Isl. | Azores | 2 20 |
Blanco Cap. | Negroland | 9 45 | Garonne R. | France | 3 0 |
Blavet | France | 3 0 | Gibraltar | Spain | 0 0 |
Bourdeaux | France | 3 0 | C. Good Hope | Caffers | 3 0 |
Boulogne | France | 10 30 | Goree (Isle) | Atlantic Ocean | 1 30 |
Bremen | Germany | 6 0 | Granville | France | 7 0 |
Brest | France | 3 45 | Gravelines | Flanders | 0 0 |
Bridlington B. | England | 3 45 | Gravesend | England | 1 30 |
Brill | Holland | 1 30 | Groin | Spain | 3 3 |
Bristol | England | 6 45 | Guernsey I. | English Channel | 1 30 |
Buchaness | Scotland | 3 0 | Hague | Holland | 8 15 |
Button's Isles | New Brit. | 6 50 | Halifax | Nova Scotia | 7 30 |
Cadiz | Spain | 4 30 | Hamburgh | Germany | 6 0 |
Caen | France | 9 0 | Hare Isle | Canada | 3 30 |
Calais | France | 11 30 | Harlem | Holland | 9 0 |
Canaria I. | Canaries | 3 0 | Hartlepool | England | 3 0 |
C. Cantin | Barbary | 0 0 | Harwich | England | 11 15 |
Cape Town | Caffers | 2 30 | Havre de Grace | France | 9 0 |
Caskets | Guernsey | 8 15 | Holy Head | Wales | 1 30 |
Cathness Po. | Scotland | 9 0 | Honfleur | France | 9 0 |
Charles Town | Carolina | 3 0 | Hull | England | 6 0 |
Q. Charlotte's S. | New Zealand | 9 0 | Humber R. | England | 5 13 |
Cherbourg | France | 7 30 | St. John's | Newfoundland | 6 0 |
Churchill R. | Hudson's Bay | 7 20 | St. Julian (Port) | Patagonia | 4 45 |
Ca. Cleare | Ireland | 4 30 | Kentishnock | English coast | 0 0 |
Concarneau | France | 3 0 | Kinsale | Ireland | 5 15 |
Conquet | France | 2 15 | Land's End | England | 7 30 |
Coquet Isle | England | 3 0 | Leith | Scotland | 4 30 |
Corke | Ireland | 6 30 | Leostoff | England | 9 45 |
C. Corse | Guinea | 3 30 | Lisbon | Portugal | 2 15 |
Cromer | England | 7 0 | Liverpool | England | 11 15 |
Dartmouth | England | 6 30 | Lizard | England | 7 30 |
St. David's H. | Wales | 6 0 | Loire (Riv.) | France | 3 0 |
Dieppe | France | 10 30 | London | England | 3 0 |
Names of Places. | Countries. | High-w. | Names of Places. | Countries. | High-w. |
Lundy (Isle) | England | 5 h 15 m | Sandwich | England | 11 h 30m |
Madeira | Atl. Ocean | 12 4 | Scarborough H. | England | 3 45 |
St. Maloes | France | 6 0 | Scilly Isles | England | 3 45 |
Isle of Man | England | 9 0 | Senegal | Negroland | 10 30 |
Margate | England | 11 15 | Severn, (Mouth.) | England | 6 0 |
St. Mary's (Isle) | Scilly Isles | 3 45 | Sheerness | England | 0 0 |
Milford | Wales | 5 15 | Sierra Leona | Guinea | 8 15 |
Mount's Bay | England | 4 30 | Shetland I. | Scotland | 3 0 |
Nantes | France | 3 0 | Isle of Sky | Scotland | 5 30 |
Naze | Norway | 11 15 | Spurn | England | 5 15 |
Needles | England | 10 15 | Start Point | England | 6 45 |
Newcastle | England | 3 15 | Stockton | England | 5 15 |
Nieuport | Flanders | 12 0 | Sunderland | England | 3 20 |
Nore | England | 0 0 | Tanna | Pacific Ocean | 3 0 |
North Cape | Lapland | 3 0 | Teneriff | Canaries | 3 0 |
Orfordness | England | 9 45 | Texel (Isle) | Holland | 7 30 |
Orkneys | Scotland | 3 0 | Thames Mouth | England | 1 30 |
Ostend | Flanders | 12 0 | Tinmouth | England | 3 0 |
Placentia | Newfoundland | 9 0 | Torbay | England | 5 15 |
Plymouth | England | 6 0 | St. Valery | France | 10 30 |
Portland | England | 8 15 | Vannes | France | 3 45 |
Porto Praya | Cape Verdes | 11 0 | Ushant | France | 4 30 |
Portsmouth | England | 11 15 | Waterford | Ireland | 6 30 |
Quebec | Canada | 7 30 | Wells | England | 6 0 |
Rhée (Isle) | France | 3 0 | Weymouth | England | 7 20 |
Resolution (Bay) | Ohitahoo | 2 30 | Whitby | England | 3 0 |
Robin Hood's B. | England | 3 0 | Isle of Wight | England | 0 0 |
Rochefort | France | 4 15 | Winchelsea | England | 0 45 |
Rochelle | France | 3 45 | Wintertoness | England | 9 0 |
Rochester | England | 0 45 | Yarmouth | England | 9 45 |
Rotterdam | Holland | 3 0 | New York | America | 3 0 |
Rouen | France | 1 15 | Youghall | Ireland | 4 30 |
Rye | England | 11 15 | Zuric Sea | Holland | 3 0 |