, in Architecture, a capital or plinth, to a pillar, or pilaster, or pier, that supports an arch, &c.
IMPROPER Fraction, is a fraction whose numerator is either equal to, or greater than, its denominator. As 5/5 or 5/3 or 19/6. An Improper fraction is reduced to a whole or mixt number, by dividing the numerator by the denominator; the quotient is the integer, and the remainder set over the divisor makes the fractional part of the value of the original Improper fraction. Thus 5/5 = 1, and 5/3 = 1 2/3, and 19/6 = 3 1/6. So that when the numerator is just equal to the denominator, the Improper fraction is exactly equal to unity or 1; but when the numerator is the greater, the fraction is greater than 1.|