LISLE (William de)

, a very learned French geographer, was born at Paris in 1675. His father being much occupied in the same way, young Lisle began at 9 years of age to draw maps, and soon made a great progress in this art. In 1699 he first distinguished himself to the public, by giving a map of the world, and other pieces, which procured him a place in the Academy of Sciences, 1702. He was afterwards appointed geographer to the king, with a pension, and had the honour of instructing the king himself in geography, for whose particular use he drew up several works. De Lisle's reputation was so great, that scarcely any history or travels came out without the embellishment of his maps. Nor was his name less celebrated abroad than in his own country. Many sovercigns in vain attempted to draw him out of France. The Czar Peter, when at Paris on his travels, paid him a visit, to communicate to him some remarks upon Muscovy; but more especially, says Fontenell<*>, to learn from him, better than he could any where else, the extent and situation of his own dominions. De Lisle died of an apoplexy in 1726, at 51 years of age. Beside the excellent maps he published, he wrote| many pieces in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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* LISLE (William de)