, a learned astronomer, born in Denmark in 1<*>62, in the village of Longomontum, whence he took his name. Vossius, by mistake, calls him Christopher. Being the son of a poor man, a plowman, he was obliged to suffer, during his studies, all the hardships to which he could be exposed, dividing his time, like the philosopher Cleanthes, between the cultivation of the earth and the lessons he received from the minister of the place. At length, at 15 years old, he stole away from his family, and went to Wiburg, where there was a college, in which he spent 11 years; and though he was obliged to earn his livelihood as he could, his close application to study enabled him to make a great progress in learning, particularly in the mathematical sciences.
From hence he went to Copenhagen; where the professors of that university soon conceived a very high opinion of him, and recommended him to the celebrated Tycho Brahe; with whom Longomontanus lived 8 years, and was of great service to him in his observations and calculations. At length, being very desirous of obtaining a professor's chair in Denmark, Tycho Brahe consented, with some difficulty, to his leaving him; giving him a discharge filled with the highest testimonies of his esteem, and furnishing him with money for the expence of his long journey from Germany, whither Tycho had retired.
He accordingly obtained a professorship of mathematics in the university of Copenhagen in 1605; the duty of which he discharged very worthily till his death, which happened in 1647, at 85 years of age.
Longomontanus was author of several works, which shew great talents in mathematics and astronomy. The most distinguished of them, is his Astronomica Danica, first printed in 4to, 1621, and afterwards in folio in 1640, with augmentations. He amused himself with endeavouring to square the circle, and pretended that he had made the discovery of it; but our countryman Dr. John Pell attacked him warmly on that subject, and proved that he was mistaken.——It is remarkable that, obscure as his village and father were, he contrived to dignify and eternize them both; for he took his name from his village, and in the title page to some of his works he wrote himself Christianus Longomontanus Severini filius, his father's name being Severin or Severinus.