, a spherical shell, hollow sphere, or space contained between two concentric spherical surfaces.— The ancient astronomers conceived the heavens as consisting of several vast azure transparent Orbs or spheres, inclosing one another, and including the bodies of the planets.
The Orbis Magnus, or Great Orb, is that in which the sun is supposed to revolve; or rather it is that in which the earth makes its annual circuit.
Orb, in Astrology, or Orb of Light, is a certain sphere or extent of light, which the astrologers allow a planet beyond its centre. They pretend that, provided the aspects do but fall within this Orb, they have almost the same effect as if they pointed directly against the centre of the planet.—The Orb of Saturn's light they make to be 10 degrees; that of Jupiter 12 degrees; that of Mars 7 1/2; that of the Sun 17 degrees; that of Venus 8 degrees; that of Mercury 7 degrees; and that of the Moon 12 1/2 degrees.