, or Breastwork, in Fortification, is a defence or screen, on the extreme edge of a rampart, or other work, serving to cover the soldiers and the cannon from the enemy's fire.

The thickness of the Parapet is 18 or 20 feet, commonly lined with masonry; and 7 or 8 feet high, when the enemy has no command above the battery; otherwise, it should be raised higher, to cover the men while| they load the guns. There are certain openings, called Embrasures, cut in the Parapet, from the top downwards, to within about 2 1/2 or 3 feet of the bottom of it, for the cannon to fire through; the solid pieces of it between one embrasure and another, being called Merlons.

Parapet is also a little breast-wall, raised on the brinks of bridges, quays, or high buildings; to serve as a stay, and prevent people from falling over.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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