, relating to Proportion. As, Proportional Compasses, Parts, Scales, Spirals, &c. See the several terms.
Proportional Compasses, are compasses with two pair of opposite legs, like a St. Andrew's cross, by which any space is enlarged or diminished in any proportion.
Proportional Part, is a part of some number that is analogous to some other part or number; such as the Proportional parts in the logarithms, and other tables.
Proportional Scales, called also Logarithmic Scales, are the logarithms, or artificial numbers, placed on lines, for the ease and advantage of multiplying and dividing &c, by means of compasses, or of sliding rulers. These are in effect so many lines of numbers, as they are called by Gunter, but made single, double, triple, or quadruple; beyond which they seldom go. See GUNTER'S Scale, Scale, &c.
Proportional Spiral. See Spiral.