, the 4th part of a whole, or one part of an integer, which is divided into four equal portions.
Quarter, in weights, is the 4th part of the quintal, or hundred weight; and so contains 28 pounds.
Quarter is also a dry measure, containing of corn 8 bushels striked; and of coals the 4th part of a chaldron.
Quarter, in Astronomy, the moon's period, or lunation, is divided into 4 stages or Quarters; each containing between 7 and 8 days. The first Quarter is from the new moon to the quadrature; the second is from thence to the full moon, and so on.
Quarter, in Navigation, is the Quarter or 4th part of a point, wind, or rhumb; or of the distance between two points &c. The Quarter contains an arch of 2° 48′ 45″, being the 4th part of 11° 15′, which is one point.
Quarter Round, in Architecture, is a term used by the workmen for any projecting moulding, whose contour is a Quarter of a circle, or nearly so.