, the least of the weights used by the ancients. Among the Romans it was the 24th part of an ounce, or the third part of a drachm.

Scruple is still a small weight among us, equal to 20 grains, or the 3d part of a drachm. Among goldsmiths the scruple is 24 grains.


, in Chronology, a small portion of time much used by the Chaldeans, Jews, Arabs, and other eastern people, in computations of time. It is the 1080th part of an hour, and by the Hebrews called belakin.


, in Astronomy. As

Scruples Eclipsed, denote that part of the moon's diameter which enters the shadow, expressed in the same measure in which the apparent diameter of the moon is expressed See Digit.

Scruples of Half Duration, an arch of the moon's orbit, which the moon's centre describes from the beginning of an eclipse to its middle.

Scruples of Immersion, or Incidence, an arch of the moon's orbit, which her centre describes from the beginning of the eclipse, to the time when the centre falls into the shadow. See Immersion.

Scruples of Emersion, an arch of the moon's orbit, which her centre describes in the time from the first emersion of the moon's limb, to the end of the eclipse.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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