, an expression of a certain ratio, viz, the second ratio of inequality, called also superparticular ratio; being that in which the greater term contains the less once, and some certain part over; as 3 to 2, where the first term contains the second once, and unity over, which is a quota part of 2. Now if this part remaining be just half the less term, the ratio is called sesquialiera; if the remaining part be a 3d part of the less term, as 4 to 3, the ratio is called sesquitertia, or sesquiterza; if a 4th part, as 5 to 4, the ratio is called sesquiquarta; and so on continually, still adding to Sesqui the ordinal number of the smaller term.
In English we sometimes say, sesquialteral, or sesquialterate, sesquithird, sesquifourtk, &c.
As to the kinds of triples expressed by the particle sesqui, they are these: