, or Slusius (René Francis Walter) of Vise, a small town-in the county of Liege, where he enjoyed honours and preferment. He then became abbé of Amas, canon, councellor and chancellor of Liege, and made his name famous for his knowledge in theology, physics, and mathematics. The Royal Society of London elected him one of their members, and inserted several of his compositions in their Transactions. This very ingenious and learned man died at Liege in 1683, at 63 years of age.
Of Slusius's works there have been published, some learned letters, and a work intitled, Mesolabium et Problemata solida; beside the following pieces in the Philosophical Transactions, viz,
1. Short and Easy Method of drawing Tangents to all Geometrical Curves; vol. 7, pa. 5143.
2. Demonstration of the same; vol. 8, pa. 6059, 6119.
3. On the Optic Angle of Alhazen; vol. 8, pa. 6139.