, Sturmius (John Christopher), a noted German mathematician and philospher, was born at Hippolstein in 1635. He became professor of philosophy and mathematics at Altdorf, where he died in 1703, at 68 years of age.
He was author of several useful works on mathematics and philosophy, the most esteemed of which are,
1. His Mathesis enucleata, in 1 vol. 8vo.
2. Mathesis Fuvenilis, in 2 large volumes 8vo.
3. Collegium Experimentale, sive Curiosum, in quo primaria Seculi superioris Inventa & Experimenta PhysicoMathematica, Speciatim Campanæ Urinatoriæ, Cameræ obscuræ, Tubi Torricelliani, seu Baroscopii, Antliæ Pneumaticæ, Thermometrorum Phænomena & Effecta; partim ac aliis jampridem exhibita, partim noviter istis superaddita, &c. in one large vol. 4to, Norimberg, 1701.
This is a very curious work, containing a multitude of interesting experiments, neatly illustrated by copperplate figures printed upon almost every page, by the side of the letter-press. Of these, the 10th experiment is an improvement on father Lana's project for navigating a small vessel suspended in the atmosphere by several globes exhausted of air.