, in Architecture, pieces of timber framed at right-angles to the joists, against the ways for chimneys to support the hearths, and the well-holes for stairs.
TRINE Dimension, or threefold dimension, includes length, breadth, and thickness. The Trine dimension is peculiar to bodies or solids.
Trine, in Astrology, is the aspect or situation of one planet with respect to another, when they are dis- | tant 1/3 part of the circle, or 4 signs, or 120 degrees. It is also called trigon, and is denoted by the character ▵.
TRINITY Sunday, is the next after Whitsunday; so called, because on that day was anciently held a festival (as it still continues to be in the Romish Church) in honour of the Holy Trinity.—The observance of this festival was first enjoined by the 6th canon of the council of Arles, in 1260; and John the 22d, who distinguished himself so much by his opinion concerning the beatific vision, it is said, fixed the office for this festival in 1334.