, a collective name, signifying the assemblage of heaven and earth, with all things in them.

The Aneients, and after them the Cartesians, ima- gine the Universe to be infinite; and the reason they give is, that it implies a contradiction to suppose it finite or bounded; since it is impossible not to conceive space beyond any limits that can be assigned it; which space, according to the Cartesians, is body, and consequently part of the Universe.

UNLIKE Quantities, in Algebra, are such as are expressed by different letters, or by different powers of the same letter. Thus, a, and b, and a2, and ab are all Unlike quantities.

Unlike Signs, are the different signs + and -.

UNLIMITED or Indeterminate Problem, is such a one as admits of many, or even of infinite answers. As, to divide a given triangle into two equal parts; or to describe a circle through two given points. See DIOPHANTINE, and Indeterminate.

VOID Space, in Physics. See Vacuum.

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Entry taken from A Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Charles Hutton, 1796.

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