. See D'Antine.
. See D'Antine.
D'Antine (Francis), a Benedictine of the congregation of St. Maur,
D'Antine (Francis), a Benedictine of the congregation of St. Maur, was born at Gouvieux in the diocese of
Liege, in 1688, and made himself highly respected among
his brethren by his piety and charitable attention to the
poor and afflicted. To the learned world he is known as
the editor of the first five volumes of the new edition of
Du Gauge’s Glossary, in 1736, which he very much improved and enlarged. He was also one of the editors of
the great collection of French historians begun by Bouquet, and of the “Art de verifier les dates,
” of which a
new edition was published by Clement in 1770, folio.
D'Amine translated the Psalms from the Hebrew, Paris,
1739 and 1740. He died in 1746.