, Sieurde, an ingenious French writer, was born at Chevreuse, in the diocese
, Sieurde, an ingenious French writer, was born at Chevreuse, in the diocese
of Paris, or as some say in Paris itself, in 1599. He was
early distinguished by some successful publications which
had given him a literary reputation, and made him be enrolled among the number assembled by cardinal Richelieu
for the purpose of founding the French academy in 1635.
His first publications were romances and works of a light
nature, but at the age of forty-five he formed the resolution of consecrating his pen to religion, and adopted a
penitentiary course of life, which some think was more
strict at the commencement than at the termination of it.
He died June 14, 1674. One of the most curious of his
works, “La doctrine des Mceurs, tiree de la philosophic
des Stoiques, representee en cent tableaux,
” and
” La jeune Alcidiane,“published in 1733 by
madame Gomez, who says that Gomberville left merely an
outline of it. His other works were, 1.
” Relation de la
riviere des Amazones,“1632, 2 vols. 12mo. 2.
” Memoires
de Louis de Gonzague, due de Nevers,“1665, 2 vols. fol.
” Discours des vertus et des vices de Phistoire," 1620,
4to, and various pieces of sacred poetry, &c.