ritings of Swift,” has taken occasion to speak of him in the following manner “Cyrano de Bergerac is a French author of a singular character, who had a very peculiar
The earl of.Orrery, in his “Remarks on the life and
writings of Swift,
” has taken occasion to speak of him in
the following manner “Cyrano de Bergerac is a French
author of a singular character, who had a very peculiar turn
of wit and humour, in many respects resembling that of
Swift. He wanted the advantages of learning and a regular education; his imagination was less guarded and correct, but more agreeably extravagant. He has introduced
into his philosophical romance the system of des Cartes,
which was then much admired, intermixed with several fine
strokes of just satire on the wild and immechanical inquiries of the philosophers and astronomers of that age; and
in many parts he has evidently directed the plan which the
dean of St. Patrick’s has pursued.
” This opinion was first
quoted in the Monthly Review (vol. X), when Derrick
translated a. id published Bergerac’s “Voyage to tha
” Plurality
of Worlds,
” and Voltaire, in his “Micromegas,
” have taken
many hints and sketches from this eccentric writer. There
have been various editions of his works at Paris, Amsterdam, Trevoux, &c. the last was printed at Paris, 1741, 3
vols. 12 mo.
g the Life of Mahomet, the Turkish prophet, which however has been since executed, in his manner, by a French author, Boulanvilliers. That the world might perceive
, younger son of sir Henry Blount,
and brother to sir Thomas Pope Blount hereafter mentioned,
an eminent writer in the last century, was born at his
grandfather’s seat at Upper Holloway, in the county of
Middlesex, April 27, 1654. He was endowed by nature
with a great capacity, and with a strong propensity to
learning; which excellent qualities were properly cultivated
by the assiduous care of his father, and under so able an
instructor, he quickly acquired an extraordinary skill in
the arts and sciences, without any thing of that pedantry,
which is too frequently the consequence of young men’s
application to study in the common course. His pregnant
parts and polite behaviour brought him early into the
world, so that his father, who was a true judge of men,
thought fit, when he was about eighteen, to marry him to
Eleanora, daughter of sir Timothy Tyrrel, of Shotover in
the county of Oxford, and gave him a very handsome estate, having always respected him as a friend, as well as
loved him with the affection of a father. The year after
his marriage, he wrote a little treatise, which he published
without his name, in defence of Dryden, whose “Conquest of Granada
” was attacked by Richard Leigh, a player.
In Anima
” in which it is said, and with great probability,
that he had the assistance of his father. It had been long
before handed about in manuscript among the acquaintance
of its author, with several passages in it much stronger than
in that which was transmitted to the press, and licensed by
sir Roger L'Estrange. This, however, did not hinder its
giving great offence, insomuch that complaint was made to
Dr. Compton, then Lord Bishop of London, who, upon
perusal, signified that he expected it should be suppressed,
and intimating, that he would thereupon rest satisfied. But
afterwards, when the Bishop was out of town, an opportunity was taken by some zealous person to burn the book,
which however has been reprinted since. The same year
he published a broad sheet under the title of “Mr.
Hobbes’s last Words and dying Legacy.
” It was extracted
from the “Leviathan,
” and was intended to weaken and
expose his doctrine yet he could be no very warm antagonist, since there is still extant a letter of his to Mr.
Hobbes, wherein he professes himself a great admirer of his
parts, and one who would readily receive his instructions. He
afterwards gave a strong testimony in favour of liberty, in
a pamphlet on the Popish Plot, and the fearof a Popish
successor, entitled, “An Appeal from the country to the
city for the preservation of his majesty’s person, liberty,
property, and the Protestant religion.
” This treatise is
subscribed Junius Brutus, and is the strongest invective
against Popery and Papists that was published even in that
age, when almost all the wit of the nation was pointed that
way. There are in it likewise such express recommendations of the Duke of Monmouth, as might well hinder the
author from owning it, and give it, in the eyes of the lawyers of those times, an air of sedition at least, if not of
treason. In 1680, he printed that work which made
him most known to the world, “The Life of Apollonius
” which was soon after suppressed, and only a
few copies sent abroad. It was held to be the most dangerous attempt, that had been ever made against revealed
religion in this country, and was justly thought so, as
bringing to the eye of every English reader a multitude of
facts and reasonings, plausible in themselves, and of the
fallacy of which, none but men of parts and learning can
be proper judges. For this reason it is still much in esteem
with the Deists, and the few copies that came abroad contributed to raise its reputation, by placing it in the lists of
those that are extremely rare. In the same year he published his “Diana of the Ephesians,
” which, as the author
foresaw, raised a new clamour, many suggesting that, under colour of exposing superstition, he struck at all Revelation, and while he avowed only a contempt of the Heathen, seemed to intimate no great affection for the Christian priesthood. The wit, learning, and zeal of our author, had, by this time, raised him to be the chief of his
sect; and he took a great deal of pains to propagate and
defend his opinions in his discourses and familiar letters,
as well as by his books, but he had the usual inconsistency
of the infidel, and we find him owning, in a letter to Dr. Sydenham, that in point of practice, Deism was less satisfactory than the Christian scheme. The noise his former
pieces had made, induced him to conceal, industriously,
his being the author of a book, entitled, “Religio Laici,
published in Janus Scientiarum or an Introduction to Geography,
Chronology, Government, History, philosophy, and all
genteel sorts of Learning,
” London, 8vo. He concurred
heartily in the Revolution, and seems to have had very honest intentions of punishing those who were king James’s
evil counsellors, after the government was re-settled, by
declaring the prince and princess of Orange king and
queen. He gave another strong testimony of his sincere
attachment to his principles, and inviolable love to freedom, by a nervous defence of the liberty of the press
wherein he shews that all restraints on it can have no other
tendency than to establish superstition and tyranny, by
abasing the spirits of mankind, and injuring the human understanding. This little piece, therefore, has been always
esteemed one of the best he ever wrote; and has furnished
their strongest arguments to many succeeding writers. The
warmth of Mr. Blount’s temper, his great affection for king
William, and his earnest desire to see certain favourite projects brought about, led him to write a pamphlet, in which,
he asserted king William and queen Mary to be conquerors, which was not well relished by the house of commons. The title of this very singular and remarkable
piece at large, runs thus: “King William and queen
Mary conquerors; or, a discourse endeavouring to prove
that their majesties have on their side, against the late
king, the principal reasons that make conquest a good
title; shewing also how this is consistent with that declaration of parliament, king James abdicated the government, &c. Written with an especial regard to such as
have hitherto refused the oath, and yet allow of the title
of conquest, when consequent to a just war,
, a French author, remarkable rather for the magnitude of his work
, a French author, remarkable rather for the magnitude of his work entitled
“Causes Cé1ebres,
” in twenty volumes duodecimo, than
for any merit as a writer, was born at Lyons in 1673, of a
noble family of the robe, and was educated at Paris, but
seemed destined to fail in every walk of life. He began
by taking orders, and became an abbé; he then quitted
the church for the army, where he obtained no distinction,
and at the age of fifty, became an advocate. Not succeeding in this occupation, he applied himself diligently to
his pen; in which employment he rather proved his assiduity than his powers. His great work, though interesting in its subject, is rendered intolerable by the heaviness
and badness of the style, with the puerilities and bad
verses interspersed. It has been two or three times,
abridged. His other works are not more admired. They
are, 1. “An Account of the Campaigns of 1713 and
” a compilation from the Memoirs of Vilbart 2.
“The Art of adorning and improving the Mind,
” a foolish
collection of witticisms and 3. A compilation entitled
“Bibliotheque des Gens de Cour.
” He died in
, marquis of St. Aubin, a French author, born in 1687, was first counsellor in the parliament
, marquis of St. Aubin, a French author, born in 1687, was first counsellor in
the parliament of Paris, afterwards master of requests, and
died in 1746. He wrote, I. “A Treatise on Opinion,
Antiquities of the
Royal Family of France;
” a work in which he displays a
system of his own on the origin of the dynasties of that
country, but not with sufficient success to subvert the
opinions of others.
sh history: and he professes to have had this account from various authors. Sigibertus Gemblacensis, a French author, somewhat more early than Jeffery, or Henry of
Leland, Bale, and Pits inform us, that Walter Mapreus,
or Mapes, alias Calenius, who was at this time archdeacon
of Oxford, and of whom Henry of Huntingdon, and other
historians, as well as Jeffery himself, make honourable
mention, as a man very curious in the study of antiquity,
and a diligent searcher into ancient libraries, and especially
after the works of ancient authors, happened while he was
in Armorica to meet with a history of Britain, written in
the British tongue, and carrying marks of great antiquity.
Being overjoyed at his discovery, he in a short time came
over to England, where inquiring for a proper person to
translate this curious but hitherto unknown book, he very
opportunely met with Jeffery of Monmouth, a man profoundly versed in the history and antiquities of Britain,
excellently skilled in the British tongue, and besides (considering the time) an elegant writer, both in verse and
prose; and to him he recommended the task. Jeffery accordingly undertook to translate it into Latin; which he
performed with great diligence, approving himself, according to Matthew Paris, a faithful translator. At first he
divided it into four books, written in a plain simple style,
a copy of which is said to be at Bene't-college, Cambridge,
which was never yet published; but afterwards made some
alterations, and divided it into eight books, to which he
added the book of “Merlin’s Prophecies,
” which he had
also translated from British verse into Latin prose. A great
many fabulous and trifling stories are inserted in the history,
upon which account Jeffery’s integrity has been called in
question and many authors, Polydore Vevgil, Buchanan,
and some others, treat the whole as fiction and forgery.
On the other hand, he is defended by very learned men,
such as Usher, Leland, Sheringham, sir John Rice, and
many more. His advocates do not deny, that there are
several absurd and incredible stories inserted in this book;
but, as he translated or borrowed them from others, the
truth of the history ought not to be rejected in the gross,
though the credulity of the historian may deserve censure.
Canulen alleges, that his relation of Brutus, and his successors in those ancient times, ought to be entirely disregarded, and would have our history commence with Caesar’s
attempt upon the island, which advice has since been followed by the generality of our historians. But Milton pursues the old beaten tract, and alleges thai we cannot be
easily discharged of Brutus and his line, with the whole
progeny of kings to the entrance of Julius Ca-sar; since it
is a story supported by descents of ancestry, and long continued laws and exploits, which have no appearance of
being borrowed or devised. Cainden, indeed, would insinuate, that the name of Brutus was unknown to the ancient Britons, and that Jeffery was the first person who
feigned him founder of their race. But Henry of Huntingdon had published, in the beginning of his history, a
short account of Brutus, and made the Britons the descendants of the Trojans, before he knew any thing of
Jeffery’s British history: and he professes to have had this
account from various authors. Sigibertus Gemblacensis,
a French author, somewhat more early than Jeffery, or
Henry of Huntingdon (for he died, according to Beilarmine, in 1112) gives an account of the passage of Brutus,
grandson of Ascanius, from Greece to Albion, at the head
of the exiled Trojans and teljs us, that he called the
people and country after his own name, and at last left
three sons to succeed him, after he had reigned twentyfour years. Hence he passes summarily over the affairs of
the Britons, agreeably to the British history, till they were
driven into Wales by the Saxons.
, a French author, a man of extensive and almost universal learning,
, a French author, a man of
extensive and almost universal learning, was born at Paris
in 1650. By Bossuet, and the duke of Montausier, who
knew his merit, he was appointed preceptor to the duke of
Maine; and the public in general approved the choice. In
1696 Malezieu was chosen to instruct the duke of Burgundy in mathematics. In 1699 he became a member of
the academy of sciences, and in two years after of the
French academy. The duke of Maine rewarded his care
of him by appointing him the chief of his council, and
chancellor of Dombes. Under the regency of the duke of
Orleans he was involved in the disgrace which fell upon
the duke his pupil, and was imprisoned for two years.
He had an excellent constitution, which, aided by regularity, conducted him nearly to the close of life without
any indisposition. He died of an apoplexy on March
4, 1727, at the age of seventy-seven. Notwithstanding
the vast extent of his learning, and many occupations
which required great attention, he had an easy and unembarrassed air; his conversation was lively and agreeable,
and his manners polite and attentive. He published, 1.
“Elements of Geometry, for the duke of Burgundy,
” Polichtnelle demandant une place a l'Academie.
” He had, among
other talents, that of translating the Greek authors into
French, particularly the tragic writers, in a style of harmony and energy of verse, whieh approached as nearly,
perhaps, as any thing in his language could do, to the
excellence of the originals.
, a French author and journalist, was born in Languedoc, in the
, a French
author and journalist, was born in Languedoc, in
the diocese of Bezieres. He appeared at Paris about
1715, and espoused the cause of the Jesuits against the
Jansenists; in which business he wrote with so much acrimony, that the court thought themselves obliged to banish
him. He was sent to the isles of Larins, in the Mediterranean, and when these were taken by the Austrians in
1746, his liberty was granted on condition that he would
retire into some religious house. He chose a monastery
of Bernardines, where he died in 1760. His caustic and
satirical disposition rendered him unpleasing in society as
well as in his writings; and it is thought that his banishment and solitude much increased the acrimony of his character. He was concerned in several works, as, 1.“Memoirs
of Marshal Villars,
” 3 vols. 12mo, the two first of which
are written by Villars himself. 2. “The Memoirs of the
Duke of Berwick,
” 2 vols. 12mo. 3. “Memoirs of Tourville,
” 3 vols. 12mo, not much esteemed. 4. “Letters
of Fitz-Moritz.
” 5. Several small tracts, and some pieces
of poetry of no great value.
, a French author of considerable celebrity about the beginning
, a French author of considerable celebrity about the beginning of the last century, was born in 1684 at Dieppe. He
studied at Paris, partly under the instruction of his learned
grand-uncle Richard Simon, who then resided in the college of Fortet. In 1709, he went to the court of Mecklenburgh, and began his researches into the history and
geography of that state; but, on the death of the duke, and
the troubles which followed, and interrupted his labours,
he removed elsewhere, probably to Parma, as we find him,
in 1722, publishing, by order of the duke Philip Farnese,
whom he calls his most serene master, an historical dissertation, “Dissertation historique sur les duchés de Parme
et de Plaisance,
” 4to. It appears also that the Sicilian
monarch appointed him his secretary, with a salary of
twelve hundred crowns. The marquis de Beretti Landi,
the Spanish minister at the Hague, had a high regard for
Martiniere, and advised him to dedicate his geographical
dictionary to the king of Spain, and procured for him,
from his catholic majesty, the title of royal geographer.
Martiniere passed several years at the Hague, where all
the foreign ministers paid him much attention, receiving
him often at their tables. He died here June 19, 1749.
Moreri makes him eighty-three years of age; but this is
inconsistent with a date which he gives on the authority of
Martiniere himself, viz. that in 1709 he was twenty-five
years old. His personal character is represented in a very
favourable light by M. Bruys, who lived a long time with
him at the Hague, and objects nothing to him but a want
of oeconomy in his domestic matters: he was a man of extensive reading and memory, excelled in conversation,
which abounded in striking and original remarks, and was
generous, liberal, and candid. His favourite studies were
history and geography, which at length produced his wellknown dictionary, “Dictionnaire Geographique, Historique,
et Critique,
” Hague, Introduction to History;
” a work on which he appears to have bestowed more pains than will perhaps be approved, as his
zeal for the Roman catholic religion induced him to omit
Puffendorff’s remarks on the temporal power of the popes.
His other works were, 1. “Essais sur l'origine et les progres de la Geographic,
” with remarks on the principal
Greek and Latin geographers. These two essays were
addressed to the academy of history at Lisbon, and that
of belles lettres at Paris, and are printed in Camusat’s
“Memoires Historiques,
” Amst. Traites geographiques et historiques pour faciliter l‘intelligence de
l’Ecriture Sainte, par divers auteurs celebres, M. M. Huet
et Le Grand, D. Calmet, &c. &c.
” Hague, Entretiens des ombres aux Champs Elyseés,
taken from a German work under that title, 2 vols. 4.
“Essai d‘une traduction d’Horace,
” in verse, with some
poetical pieces of his own. 5. “Nouveau recueil des Epigrammatistes Francois anciens et modernes,
” Amst. Introduction generate a l'etude des
Sciences et des Belles Lettres, en faveur des pefsonnes qui
ne savent que le Frangois,
” Hague, Lettres choisies de M. Simon,
” a new edition, with the life of
the author, Amst. 1730, 4 vols. 12mo. 8. “Nouvelles
politiques et litteraires,
” a literary journal which did not
last long. 9. “Vie de Moliere,
” said to be more correct
and ample than that by Grimarest. 9. “Continuation de
VHistoire de France sous la regne de Louis XIV. commencée par M. de Larrey.
” Some other works have been
improperly attributed to Martiniere, as “Lettres serieuses
et badines,
” which was by M. Bruys, and “Relation
d'une assemble tenue au bas du Parnasse,
” a production,
of the abbé D'Artigny. After his death, his name was put
to a species of Ana, entitled, “Nouveau portefeuille historique et litteraire,
” an amusing collection; but probabljr
not of his forming.
, a French author and poet, whose works are now scarce, as well
, a French author and poet,
whose works are now scarce, as well as obsolete, was
originally a merchant at Dieppe, where he was born in 1494,
and became famous by means of his voyages, and his taste
for the sciences. He died in the island of Sumatra, A. D.
1530, being then only thirty-six. The collection of his
verses in 4to, printed in 1536, is entitled “Description
nouvelle des Dignites de ce Monde, et de la Dignite de
” composee en rithme Franchise et en maniere
d‘exhortation, par Jean Parmentier: avec plusieur chants
Royaulx, et une Moralite a l’Honneur de la Vierge, mise
par personaiges; plus la deploration sur la mort dudit Parmentier et son frere, composee par Pierre Crignon.“This book is very rare. Crignon, who published it, was
Parmentier' s particular friend, and thus speaks of him
” From the year Another work by him is entitled
” Moralites tres-excellens en Thonneur de la benoiste Vierge Marie; mise en
rime Franchise et en personnaiges, par Jehan Parmentier,“Paris, 1531,4to, black letter. This also is extremely scarce,
but is reprinted in the
” Description nouvelle," &C.
, a French author, whose character was not less esteemed for its
, a French author,
whose character was not less esteemed for its candour and
modesty, than his writings for their neatness of style and
exactness of research, is most known for his continuation
of the “Lives of illustrious men of France,
” begun by
D'Auvigne, but carried on by him, from the thirteenth
volume to the twenty-third. He also wrote notes and prefaces to several works. His edition of the works of Bossuet
was the best, till they were published by the Benedictines
of St. Maur; and he was author of an esteemed life of Jerome Bignon, in 12mo, 1757. He died in March 1767,
at the age of sixty-seven .
, a French author, generally known by the name of the sieur des
, a French author, generally
known by the name of the sieur des Accords, was born in
1549, was proctor for the king in the bailiage of Dijon,
and has obtained a kind of fame by some very eccentric
publications. That which is best known, and is said to be
least exceptionable, though certainly far from being a
model of purity, was first published by him at the age of
eighteen, but revised and much augmented when he was
about thirty-five. It is entitled “Les Bigarrures et Touches
du Seigneur des Accords
” to which some editions add
“avec les Apophtegmes du Sieur Gaulard et les escraignes
” and the best of all (namely, that of Paris, in 1614), “de nouveau augmentees deplusieurs Epitaphes,
Dialogues, et ingenieuses equivoques.
” It is in two volumes, 12mo, and contains a vast collection of poems, conundrums, verses oddly constructed, &c. &c. The author
died in 1590, at the age of forty-one. Having one daysent a sonnet to mademoiselle Be*gar, he wrote at bottom,
“Atous Accords,
” instead of his name; the lady in her
answer called him the Seigneur des Accords, and the president Begar frequently giving him that title afterwards,
Tabourot adopted it. The Dictionnaire Htstorique places
his birth in 1547, and makes him forty-three years old at
his death; but in his own book is a wooden cut of him inscribed, ætat. 35, 1584, which fixes his age as we hare
given it, if the true time of his death was 1590.