, a French cure at Paris, and afterwards abbe of St. Nicholas de
, a French cure at Paris, and afterwards abbe of St. Nicholas de Verdun, of which he took
possession in 1674, devoted the principal part of his life to
grammatical studies, and produced some works which at
that time were important to the literature of his country,
His first publication appeared under the title of “Radices
Lingute Latinae,
” 8vo, a work somewhat incorrectly printed,
which was followed by his two Dictionaries, both in 4to,
French and Latin, and Latin and French, in which the
Latin part was considered as best executed. Although
both have been supplanted by works more ample and
accurate, they could not fail at that time of facilitating the
study of the Latin among his countrymen. He published
also, “Dictionarium antiquitatum Romanarum et Grsecarum,
” for the use of the dauphin, Paris,