, a French mineralogist, was born at Lyops in 1732. His father was
, a French mineralogist, was born at
Lyops in 1732. His father was concerned in the mines of
the Lyonnois, and as the son discovered an early attachment to the art of metallurgy, he was placed in the establishment, under Trudaine, for the construction of bridges
and causeways, in order to obtain a practical knowledge of
the business of a miner and civil engineer. He was soon,
fixed on as a fit person for introducing improvements into
the art of working mines in France; and with this view, in
1757, &c. he visited and strictly scrutinized most of the
mines on the continent, and in 1765 those in Scotland
and England. On his return he set about arranging the
observations which he had been able to make, when a sudden death, in 1769, broke off his designs. His works were
published by his brother at Lyons, entitled “Voyages Metallurgiques, ou Recherches et Observations sur les Mines
et Forges de Fer, la Fabrication de l'Acier, celle du Ferblanc, et plusieurs Mines de Charbon de Terre, &c.
” in
three vols, 4to,