, a Piedmontese author, accompanied the bishop of Maurienne into
, a Piedmontese author, accompanied
the bishop of Maurienne into France in quality of chaplain. He afterwards retired to Holland, where he embraced
the Calvinistic persuasion, but some years after he feigned
a desire to re-enter the Romish communion. Clement,
keeper of the king’s library, procured him a passport for
returning to France. The cardinal de Noailles obtained a
pension for him, and placed him in the seminary of foreign
missions. In the mean time Clement gave him full liberty
in the king’s library; but, so ungrateful was he for all the
advantages he derived from it, that he purloined several of
the books, and among others, the original of the synod of
Jerusalem, held in 1672. He got this manuscript printed
in Holland, with the letters of Cyril Lucar, and some other
pieces, under the title of “Monumens authentiques de la
religion des Grecs, et de la faussete de plusieurs confessions de foi,
” Les Synodes nationaux des Eglises reformees de France,
” printed in Tableau de la Cour de Rome,
” Letters and memoirs of the
nuncio Visconti,