, a Spanish reformer of the sixteenth century, was of a noble family
, a Spanish reformer
of the sixteenth century, was of a noble family in Spain;
and a soldier under Charles the Vth, who knighted him.
After some years spent in a military life, he desired leave
to retire; and when Charles inquired whether his request
proceeded from disgust, his answer was, “It is necessary
that a soldier, before his death, should give some time to
religious meditation.*' He left his native country, and retired to Naples, where he became the head of a sect of
the reformed, and many persons of great distinction attended his lectures. He was particularly connected with
Bernard Ochin, Peter Martyr, and other learned men of
great character amongst the reformers of that time; and
he attacked, with success, many of the corruptions of the
church of Rome. Thus far is collected from the old French
preface to his
” Considerations," and confirmed by Mr.
Ferrar’s (the translator) account in a letter of Mr. George