, a brave and loyal officer, grandson of the preceding, was born
, a brave and loyal officer,
grandson of the preceding, was born in 1596. He was
educated at Exeter college, Oxford, where his accomplishments were acknowledged, and his principles of loyalty
and religion indelibly fixed, under the care of Dr. Prideaux.
After taking possession of his estate he sat in parliament;
and in 1638 attended the king with a troop of horse, raised
at his own expence, in an expedition to Scotland, on which
occasion he received the honour of knighthood. Abhorring
the principles which then broke out in open rebellion, he
joined the royal army, and had a command at the battle of
Stratton, in 1643, when the parliamentary forces were defeated, and greatly distinguished himself in other engagements, particularly that at Lansdown, near Bath, fought
successfully against sir William Waller, July 5, 1643, but
received a fatal blow with a pole-axe. Many of his brother officers fell with him, and their bodies were found
surrounding his. Lord Clarendon says, “That which
would have clouded any victory, was the death of sir Bevil Greenville. He was, indeed, an excellent person, whose
activity, interest, and reputation was the foundation of
what had been done in Cornwall, and his temper and affection so public, that no accident which happened could
make any impression on him; and his example kept others
from taking any thing ill, or at least seeming to do so; in
ft word, a brighter courage and gentler disposition were
never married together, to make the most cheerful and
innocent conversation.
” His descendant, lord Lansdowne,
erected a monument on the spot where he was killed.