, a celebrated doctor, cardinal, and saint of the church of Rome,
, a celebrated doctor, cardinal, and saint of the church of Rome, was born
at Bagnarea in Tuscany, 1221. He was admitted into the
order of St. Francis, about 1243; and studied divinity at
the university of Paris under the celebrated Alexander de
Hales, with so much success, that at the end of seven
years he was thought worthy to read public lectures upon
the Sentences. He was created doctor in 1255 along with
St. Thomas Aquinas, and the year after appointed general
of his order, in which office he governed with so much
zeal and prudence, that he perfectly restored the discipline
of it, which had been greatly neglected. Pope Clement IV.
nominated him to the archbishopric of York in England;
but Bonaventure disinterestedly refused it. After the death
of Clement the see of Rome lay vacant almost three years,
and the cardinals not being able to agree among themselves
who should be pope, came at length to a most solemn engagement, to leave the choice to Bonaventure; and to
elect whoever he should name, though it should be even
himself, which, from his modest character, was not very
probable. Accordingly, he named Theobald, archdeacon
of Liege, who was at that time in the Holy land, and who
took the title of Gregory X. By this pope he was made a
cardinal and bishop of Albano; and appointed to assist at
a general council, which was held at Lyons soon after. He
died there in 1274, and was magnificently and honourably
conducted to his grave; the pope and whole council attending, and the cardinal Peter of Tarantais, afterwards
pope Innocent V. making his funeral oration. Sixtus IV.
canonized him in 1482. He. has had the good fortune to
be almost equally praised by popish and protestant writers,
Bellarmine has pronounced Bonaventure a person dear to
God and men; and Luther calls him “vir prtestantissimus,
” a most excellent man. His works were printed at
Rome in 1588, in 8 vols. folio. Excepting his commentary upon the master of the Sentences, they are chiefly on
pious and mystical subjects, and have gained him the name
of the Seraphic doctor. Brucker gives us the following
account of his method of philosophizing, from his treatise
“De reductione Artium ad Theologiam;
” on the “application of Learning to Theology:
” Human knowledge he
divides into three branches, logical, physical and moral.
Each of these he considers as the effect of supernatural
illumination, and as communicated to men through the
medium of the holy scriptures. The whole doctrine of
scripture he reduces to three heads; that which respects
the eternal generation and incarnation of Christ, the study
of which is the peculiar province of the doctors of the
church; that which concerns the conduct of life, which is
the subject of preaching; and that which relates to the
union of the soul with God, which is peculiar to the monastic and contemplative life. Physical knowledge he applies to the doctrine of scripture emblematically. For example, the production of the idea of any sensible object
from its archetype, is a type of the generation of the Logos;
the right exercise of the senses typifies the virtuous conduct of life; and the pleasure derived from the senses represents the union of the soul with God. In like manner,
logical philosophy furnishes an emblem of the eternal
generation and the incarnation of Christ: a word conceived in the mind resembling the eternal generation; its
expression in vocal sounds, the incarnation. Thus the
multiform wisdom of God, according to this mystical writer, lies concealed through all nature; and all human
knowledge may, by the help of allegory and analogy, be
spiritualised and transferred to theology. How wide a
door this method of philosophising opens to the absurdities
of mysticism the reader will easily perceive from this specimen.
, does not deserve to bear their name.” After his grandfather’s death he applied himself to Tcem-se, a celebrated doctor of his time; and, under the direction of so
, or Con-Fu-Tsee, the celebrated Chinese
philosopher, was born in the kingdom of Lou, which is at
present the province of Chan Long, in the 2 1 st year of the
reign of Ling van, the 23d emperor of the race of Tcheou,
551 years B. C. He was contemporary with Pythagoras,
and a little before Socrates. He was but three years old
when he lost his father Tcho leang he, who had enjoyed
the highest offices of the kingdom of Long; but left no
other inheritance to his son, except the honour of descending from Ti ye, the 27th emperor of the second race of
the Chang. His mother, whose name wasChing, and who
sprung originally from the illustrious family of the Yen,
lived twenty-one years after the death of her husband,
Confucius did not grow in knowledge by degrees, as children ordinarily do, but seemed to arrive at reason and the
perfect use of his faculties almost from his infancy. Taking no delight in amusements proper for his age, he had
a grave and serious deportment, which gained him respect,
and was joined with an appearance of unexampled artd
exalted piety. He honoured his relations; he endeavoured
in all things to imitate his grandfather, who was then alive
in China, and a most holy man: and it was observable,
that he never ate any thing but he prostrated himself upon
the ground, and offered it first to the supreme Lord of
heaven. One day, while he was a child, he heard his
grandfather fetch, a deep sigh; and going up to him with
many bowings and much reverence, “May I presume,
says he, “without losing the respect I owe you, to inquire
into the occasion of your grief? perhaps you fear that
your posterity should degenerate from your virtue, and
dishonour you by their vices.
” “What put this thought
into your head,
” says Coum-tse to him, “and where have
you learnt to speak after this manner?
” “From yourself,
replied Confucius: “I attend diligently to you every time
you speak; and I have often heard you say, that a son r
who does not by his virtue support thfe glory of his ancestors, does not deserve to bear their name.
” After his
grandfather’s death he applied himself to Tcem-se, a celebrated doctor of his time; and, under the direction of
so great a master, soon made a surprising progress in antiquity, which he considered as the source from whence
all genuine knowledge was to be drawn. This love for the
ancients very nearly cost him his life when he was not
more than sixteen years of age. Falling into discourse
one day about the Chinese books with a person of high
quality, who thought them obscure, and not worth the
pains of searching into, “The books you despise,
” says
Confucius, “are full of profound knowledge, which is not
to be attained but by the wise and learned: and the
people would think cheaply of them, could they comprehend them of themselves. This subordination of spirits,
by which the ignorant are dependent upon the knowing,
is very useful, and even necessary in society. Were all
families equally rich and equally powerful, there could not
subsist any form of government; but there would happen a
yet stranger disorder, if mankind were all equally knowing,
viz. every one would be for governing, and none would
think themselves obliged to obey. Some time ago,
” added
Confucius, “an ordinary fellow made the same observation to me about the books as you have done, and from
such a one indeed nothing better could be expected:
but I wonder that you, a doctor, should thus be found
speaking like one of the lowest of the people.
” This rebuke had indeed the good effect of silencing the mandarin,
and bringing him to a better opinion of the learning of his
country; yet vexed him so at the same time, as it came
from almost a boy, that he would have revenged it by
violence, if he had not been prevented.
, a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne, was born at Pontoise in 1564.
, a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne, was born at Pontoise in 1564. He defended the
opinions of the Ultramontanes, and was among Richer’s
greatest adversaries. Duval was superior genera] of the
French Carmelites, senior of the Sorbonne, and dean of
the faculty of theology at Paris, and died September 9,
1638. He left a system of divinity; a treatise entitled,
“De Suprema Romani Pontificis in Ecclesiam potestate,
Vie de la Sosur Merie de l'Incarnation,
Hist, du College
” and an edition of Aristotle,
, a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne, archdeacon of Lisieux, and
, a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne, archdeacon of Lisieux, and grand vicar of Bourges,
was born at Coutance, of a family which produced several
persons of merit and learning. He gained great reputation by his works, which are, “Motifs invincibles pour
convaincre ceux die la Religion pretendue Reformee,
12mo, which, like all his works, is much esteemed by
those of his communion. This was followed by some pieces
in favour of the “Motifs invincibles,
” against M. Arnauld,who had attacked some parts of them; which dispute did
not, however, prevent the doctors from being friends. He
wrote also, I. “Nouvelle Conference avec un Ministre,
touchant les Causes de la Separation des Protestans,
Recueil de tout ce qui s’est fait pour et contre
les Protestans en France,
” 4to. 3. “Instructions pour
confirmer les nouveaux Convertis dans la Foi de PEglise.
4. “L'Anti-Journal des Assemblies de Sorbonne:
” this
work, his admirers says, is full of wit and subtile criticism.
He published also a new edition of Dominico Magrio’s
work “on the Agreement of the seeming Contradictions
in Holy Scripture,
” Paris, 1685, 12mo, in Latin, &c. He
died July I, 1716, at Paris.
, a celebrated doctor of physic of the faculty at Montpellier, physician
, a celebrated doctor of
physic of the faculty at Montpellier, physician in ordinary
to Monsieur brother of Louis XIV. and to the duke of
Orleans, regent of France, descended from a respectable
family in Beaure, and was born in 1663. By a skill, peculiar to himself, he restored great numbers of persons to
health whose cases appeared hopeless, and gained great
reputation, particularly in the cure of cancers, and disorders of the eyes. Having acquired a handsome fortune,
he went to reside at Auteuil, near Paris, in a house which
formerly belonged to his friend, the celebrated Boileau,
but had been his own near thirty years, where noblemen,
ministers, ambassadors, chief magistrates, the learned, and
numerous persons of both sexes, went frequently to visit,
or to consult him. In this retreat he acquired a high character for integrity, being scrupulously just, and abhorring
every species of dissimulation, or flattery. He died September 3, 1750. He left all his Mss. by will to his nephew, who was also a doctor of physic, of the faculty at
Montpcllier. The principal are entitled, “Recherches
sur POrigine, le Devellopement, et la Reproduction dc
tous les Etres vivans,
” which is said to be an excellent
work; and “Recherches sur la nature et la guerison du
” Paris,
, a celebrated doctor of Louvain, was born in 1631, at Lier, or
, a celebrated doctor of Louvain, was born in 1631, at Lier, or Lyre, a town in Brabant,
He professed philosophy at Louvain with reputation, and
was made president of the college of pope Adrian VI.
where he died, October 27, 1702, leaving several works in
Latin: the principal are, “The Method of remitting and
retaining Sins,
” Theses on Grace,
” 4to; “Theological Conferences,
” 3 vols. 12mo, &c.; a “Course of Divinity,
” 15
vols. 12mo, &c. He refused to write against the four articles of the French clergy, which displeased the court of
Rome. Huyghens was P. Quesnel’s intimate friend, and
zealously defended his cause and his opinions. M. Arnauld speaks highly in his praise.
riter, was born October 5, 1674, at Beauvais. He entered the Sorbonne, as a student, under M. Pirot, a celebrated doctor of that house; but, being convicted of having
, a voluminous
French writer, was born October 5, 1674, at Beauvais.
He entered the Sorbonne, as a student, under M. Pirot, a
celebrated doctor of that house; but, being convicted of
having privately obtained from this gentleman’s bureau,
some papers relative to what was then transacting in the
Sorbonne, respecting Maria d'Agreda’s “Mystical city of
” and having published, Letter addressed
to Messieurs the Syndics and doctors in divinity of the
faculty of Paris,
” concerning this censure, M. Pirot expelled him. Lenglet then went to the seminary of St.
Magloire, entered into sacred orders, and took his licentiate’s degree, 1703. He was sent to Lisle, 1705, by M.
Torcey, minister for foreign affairs, as first secretary for
the Latin and French languages, and with a charge to
watch that the elector of Cologn’s ministers, who were
then at Lisle, might do nothing against the king’s interest;
and was also entrusted by the elector with the foreign
correspondence of Brussels and Holland. When Lisle was
taken in 1708, Lenglet obtained a safeguard for the elector of Cologn’s furniture and property from prince Eugene.
Having made himself known to that prince through M.
Hoendorf, he desired the latter to tell his highness, that he
would give up the memoirs of the Intendants for fifty pistoles, which the prince sent him; but be wrote to M. Hoendorf eight days after, to say that the papers had been seized
at his house by the minister’s order, and kept the money.
He discovered a conspiracy formed by a captain at the
gates of Mons, who had promised not only to deliver up
that city, but also the electors of Cologn and Bavaria, who
had retired thither, for a hundred thousand piastres. Lenglet was arrested at the Hague fur his “Memoirs sur la
Collation des Canonicats de Tournay,
” which he had published there, to exclude the disciples of Jansenius from
this collation; but he obtained his liberty six weeks after,
at prince Eugene’s solicitation. After his return to France,
the prince de Cellemare’s conspiracy, which cardinal Albtjroni had planned, being discovered in Dec. 1718, he was
chosen to find out the number and designs of the conspirators, which he did, after receiving a promise that none
of those so discovered should be sentenced to death; this
promise the court kept, and gave Lenglet a pension. In
1721, he went to Vienna, pretending to solicit the removal
of M. Ernest, whom the Dutch had made dean of Tournay;
but having no orders from France for the journey, was arrested at Strasburgh on his return, and confined six months
in prison. This disgrace the abbé Lenglet attributed to
the celebrated Rousseau, whom he had seen at Vienna, and
from whom he had received every possible service in that
city; and thence originated his aversion to him, and the
satire which he wrote against him, under the title of “Eloge
historique de Rousseau, par Brossette,
” which that friend
of Rousseau’s disavowed, and the latter found means to
have suppressed in Holland, where it had been printed,
in 1731. Lenglet refused to attach himself to cardinal
Passionei, who wished to have him at Rome, and, indeed,
he was so far from deriving any advantage from the favourable circumstances he found himself in, or from the powerful patrons which he had acquired by his talents and services, that his life was one continued series of adventures
and misfortunes. His passion was to write, think, act, and
live, with a kind of cynical freedom; and though badly
lodged, clothed, and fed, he was still satisfied, while at
liberty to say and write what he pleased; which liberty,
however, he carried to so great an extreme, and so strangely
abused, that he was sent to the bastille ten or twelve times.
Lenglet bore all this without murmuring, and no sooner
found himself out of prison, than he laboured to deserve a
fresh confinement. The bastille was become so familiar to
him, that when Tapin (one of the life guards) who usually
conducted him thither, entered his chamber, he did not
wait to hear his commission, but began himself by saying,
“Ah M. Tapin, good morning
” then turning to the
woman who waited upon him, cried, “Bring my little
bundle of linen and snuff directly,
” and followed M. Tapin
with the utmost cheerfulness. This spirit of freedom and
independence, and this rage for writing, never left him;
he chose rather to work and live alone in a kind of garret,
than reside with a rich sister, who was fond of him, and
offered him a convenient apartment at her house in Paris,
with the use of her table and servants. Lenglet would
have enjoyed greater plenty in this situation, but every
thing would have fatigued him, and he would have thought
regularity in meals quite a slavery. Some have supposed
that he studied chymistry, and endeavoured to discover the
philosopher’s stone, to which operations he desired no witnesses. He owed his death to a melancholy accident; for
going home about six in the evening, Jan. 15, 1755, after
having dined with his sister, he fell asleep, while reading a
new book which had been sent him, and fell into the tire.
The neighbours went to his assistance, but too late, his head
being almost entirely burnt. He had attained the age of
eighty-two. The abbé Lenglet’s works are numerous their
subjects extremely various, and many of them very extravagant. Those which are most likely to live are his, “Méthode pour etudier l'Histoire, avec un Catalogue des principaux Historiens,
” 12 vols.; “Methode pour Etudier la
” with maps; “Histoire de la Philosophic
” and “Tablettes Chronologiques de T Histoire Universelle,
” Chronological
” were published in English, in 8vo. It is a work of
great accuracy, and of some whim, for he lays down a
calculation according to which a reader may go through an
entire course of universal history, sacred and profane, in
the space of ten years and six months at the rate of six
hours per day.
, nephew of the preceding, and a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne, was born Aug. 4, 1665, at
, nephew of the preceding,
and a celebrated doctor of the Sorbonne, was born Aug. 4,
1665, at Paris. He was appointed professor in the Sorbonne 1701; but, having signed the famous “Case of
” the same year, with thirty-nine other doctors,
he lost his professorship, and was banished to Beaune in
1703. Some time after this he retired into Holland with
father Quesnel and M. Fouillon, but obtained leave to return to Paris in 1718, where the faculty of theology, and
the house of Sorbonne, restored him to his privileges as
doctor in June 1719. This, however, was of no avail, as the
king annulled what had been done in his favour the July
following. M. Petit-Pied became afterwards theologian
to M. de Lorraine, bishop of Bayeux, which prelate dying
June 9, 1728, he narrowly escaped being arrested, and
retired again into Holland. In 1734, however, he was
recalled; passed the remainder of life quietly at Paris,
and died January 7, 1747, aged 82, leaving a large number of well-written works, the greatest part in French, the
rest in Latin, in which he strongly opposes the constitution Unigenitus.