, a celebrated general of the eighteenth century, was the son of
, a celebrated general of the eighteenth century, was the son of Ulysses, baron
de Brown, colonel of a regiment of cuirassiers in the service of the emperors Leopold and Joseph, created in
1716, by the emperor Charles VI. a count of the holy Roman empire, his younger brother George receiving the
like dignity at the same time, who was general of foot,
counsellor of war, and a colonel of a regiment of infantry,
under Charles -VI. They were of an ancient and noble
family in Ireland. The subject of the present memoir
was born at Basle, Oct. 24, 1705-. After having passed
through the lessons of a school at Limerick in Ireland, he
was called to Hungary at ten years of age, by count
George de Brown, his uncle, and was present at the famous siege of Belgrade in 1717; about the close of the
year 1723, he became captain in his uncle’s regiment, and
then lieutenant-colonel in 1725. He went to the island of
Corsica in 1730, with a battalion of his regiment, and contributed greatly to the capture of Callansana, where he
received a wound of some consequence in his thigh. He
was appointed chamberlain to the emperor in 1732, and
colonel in 1734. He distinguished himself in the war of,
Italy, especially in the battles of Parma and Guastalla,
and burnt, in presence of the French army, the bridge
which the marechal de Noailles had thrown across the
Adige. Being appointed general in 1736, he favoured,
the year following, the retreat of the army, by a judicious
manoeuvre, and saved all the baggage at the memorable
day of Banjaluca in Bosnia, Aug. 3, 1737. This signal
piece of service procured him a second regiment of infantry, vacant by the death of count Francis de Wallis. On
his return to Vienna in 1739, the emperor Charles VI.
raised him to the dignity of general-neld-marechal-lieute.^
nanr, and gave him a seat in the Aulic council of war.
After the death of that prince, the king of Prussia having
entered Silesia, count de Brown, with but a small body oi
troops, disputed with him every foot of ground for the
space of two months. He commanded in 1741 the infantry of the right wing of the Austrian army at the battle of
Molvitz; and, though wounded, made a handsome retreat.
He then went into Bavaria, where he commanded the van
of the same army, made himself master of Deckendorf, an4
took much of the enemy’s baggage, and forced the French
to quit the banks of the Danube, which the Austrian army
afterwards passed in perfect safety; in commemoration of
which, a marble pillar was erected on the spot, with the
following inscription: “Theresise Austriacae Augustse Duce
Exercitus Carolo Alexandro Lotharingico, septemdecirn
superatis hostilibus VilHs, captoque Deckendorfio, renitentibus undis, resistentibus Gallis, Duce Exercitus Ludovico Borbonio Contio, transivit hie Danubium Ulysses
Maximilianus, S. R. I. Comes de Brown, Locumtenens
Campi Marashallusj Die 5 Junii, A. D. 1743.
” The queen
of Hungary sent him the s^me year to Worms, in quality
of her plenipotentiary to the king of Great Britain: where
he put the finishing Hand to the/ treaty of alliance between the courts of Vienna, London, and Turin, and she
declared him her actual privy counsellor at her coronation
qf Bohemia. The count de Brown, in 1744, followed
prince Lobkovitz jnto Italy, took the city of Veletri the
4th of August, notwithstanding the great superiority of the
enemy in numbers, penetrated into their camp, defeated
several regiments, and took a great many prisoners. Being
recalled to Bavaria, he performed several military exploits,
and returned to Italy in 1746. He drove the Spaniards
out of the Milanese; and, having joined the army of the
prince de Lichtenstein, he commanded the left wing of
the Austrian troops at the battle of Placentia, the 15th of
June 1746; and routed the right wing of the enemy’s
army, commanded by the marechal de Maillebois. After
this famous battle, the gaining of which was due to him, he
commanded in chief the army ordered against the Genoese,
made himself master of the pass of la Bochetta, though
defended by 4000 men, and took possession of the city of
Genoa. Count Brown then went to join the troops of the
king of Sardinia, and, in conjunction with him, took Montalbano and the territory of Nice. He passed the Var the
30th of November, in opposition to the French troops,
entered Provence, and captured the isles of Saint-Marguerite and Saint-Honorat. He had nearly made himself
master of all Provence, when the revolution at Genoa and
the army of the marechal de Belleisle obliged him to make
that fine retreat which acquired him the admiration of all
good judges of. military tactics. He employed the rest of
the year 1747 in defending the states of the house of
Austria in Italy. The empress-queen of Hungary, in reward of his signal campaigns in Italy, made him governor
of Transylvania in 1749. In 1752 he had the government
of the city of Prague, with the general command of the
troops of that kingdom; and the king of Poland, elector
of Saxony, honoured him in 1755 with the order of the
white eagle. The king of Prussia having invaded Saxony
in 1756, and attacked Bohemia, count Brown marched
against him; he repulsed that prince at the battle of Lobositz the 1st of October, although he had but 26,800
men, and the king of Prussia was at the head of at least
40,000. Within a week after this engagement, he undertook that celebrated march into Saxony, for delivering the
Saxon troops shut up between Pirna and Konigstein:
an action worthy of the greatest general whether ancient or
modern. He afterwards obliged the Prussians to retreat
from Bohemia; for which service he obtained the collar
of the golden fleece, with which he was honoured by
the empress March 6, 1757. Shortly after this count
Brown went into Bohemia, where he raised troops with the
utmost expedition, in order to make head against the king
of Prussia, who had entered it afresh at the head of his
whole army. On May 6th was fought the famous battle of
Potshernitz, or of Prague, when count Brown was dangerously wounded. Obliged to retire to Prague, he there
died of his wounds, the 26th of June 1757, at the age of
52. The count was not only a great general, he was an
equally able negotiator, and well skilled in politics. He
married, Aug. 15, 1726, Maria Philippina countess of Mar
tinitz, of an illustrious and ancient family in Bohemia, by
whom he had two sons. The life of this excellent commander was published in two separate volumes, one in
German, the other in French, printed at Prague in 1757.