, a celebrated philologer, was born December 3, 1560, at Antwerp.
, a celebrated philologer,
was born December 3, 1560, at Antwerp. He was the
son of John Walter Gruter, burgomaster of Antwerp;
who, having, among others, signed the famous petition tq
the duchess of Parma, the governess of the Netherlands,
which gave rise to the word Gueux (Beggars), was banished
his country. He crossed the sea to Norwich in England,
taking his wife (who was an English woman) and family
along with him. Young Gruter was then but an infant; he
had the peculiar felicity, like Cicero, of imbibing the elements of learning from his mother, Catharine Tishem;
who, besides French, Italian, and English, was complete
mistress of Latin, and so well skilled in Greek that she
could read Galen in the original. The family found an
hospitable asylum in England, where they resided several
years, and at a proper age sent their son to complete his
education at Cambridge. His parents, after some time,
repassing the sea to Middleburg, the son followed them to
Holland and, going to Leyden, studied the civil law, and
took his doctor’s degree there in that faculty but,
applying himself at the same time to polite literature, he became an early author, as appears by some Latin verses
which he published, under the title of “Ocelli,
” at twenty
years of age.
, or Mercerus, a celebrated philologer, uas a native of Usez in Languedoc. He
, or Mercerus, a celebrated
philologer, uas a native of Usez in Languedoc. He was
bred to. the study of jurisprudence, which he quitted for
that of the learned languages, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and
Chaldee; and in 1549, succeeded Vatablus in the professorship of Hebrew in the royal college at Paris. Being
obliged to quit the kingdom during the civil wars, he retired to Venice, where his friend Arnoul du Ferrier resided
as French ambassador; but returned with him afterwards
to France, and died at Usez, his native place, in 1572.
He was a little man, worn by excess of application, but
with a voice which he could easily make audible to a large
auditory. His literature was immense, and among the
proofs of it are the following works: 1. “Lectures on
Genesis, and the Prophets,
” Geneva, Commentaries on Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Canticles,
” Tables of the Chaldee Grammar,
” Paris, Nonnius Marcellus;
” notes on Aristae netus, Tacitus, DictysCretensis, and Apuleius’s book “De
Deo Socratis,
” and an “Eulogy,
” on Peter Pithon; some
of his letters are in Goldast’s collection. Salmasius was
his son-in-law.