, a dissenting minister of the Socinian persuasion, son of the rev.
, a dissenting minister of the Socinian persuasion, son of the rev. Joseph Cappe, minister
of the dissenting congregation at Mill hill in Leeds, was
born in that town Feb. 21, 1732-3, and educated for some
time under the care of his father, whom he lost in his sixteenth year. Having at this early age discovered a predilection for nonconformity, he was placed at the academy
of Dr. Aikin at Kilvvorth in Leicestershire, in 1743, and
the next year removed to that of Dr. Doddridge at Northampton. During his residence here he overcame somescruples that arose in his mintl respecting the evidences of
revealed religion, by examining them in the best writers
with great attention. After passing two years at Northampton, he was deprived of the benefit of Dr. Doddriclge’s instructions, who was obliged to leave England on
account of his health, and in 1752 went to the university
of Glasgow, where he continued three years, improving
his knowledge with great industry and success, and forming an acquaintance with many eminent men of the day,
particularly Dr. Leechman, Dr. Cullen, Dr. Adam Smith,
Dr. Moore, and the late Dr. Black. Having completed his
studies, he returned in 1755 to Leeds, and within a short
time after was chosen co-pastor, and the following year
sole pastor of the dissenting congregation at St Saviourgate, York. This situation he retained for forty years,
during which he engaged the respect and affection of his
hearers, and was distinguished as a preacher of uncommon
eloquence, and a man of great learning and amiable manners. In 1791 and 1793 he experienced two paralytic
shocks, which ever after affected both his walking and his
speech, but was enabled to employ much of his time in
preparing those works for the press which appeared after
his death. Weakened at length by paralytic affections, he
died Dec. 24, 1800. He published in his life-time, 1. “A
Sermon upon the king of Prussia’s Victory at Rosbach,
Nov. 5, 1757. 2. “Three Fast-day Sermons, published
during the American War.
” 3. “A Sermon on the Thanksgiving-day, 1784.
” 4. “A Fast-clay Sermon, written during the American War, but first published in 1795.
” 5
“A Sermon on the Death of the rev. Edw. Sandercock.
” 6.
“A selection of Psalms for Social Worship.
” 7. “Remarks in vindication of Dr. Priestley, in answer to the
Monthly Reviewers. 17 8.
” Letters published in the York
Chronicle, signed `A. doughty Champion in heavy armour,' in reply to the attack of Dr. Cooper (under the signature of Erasmus) upon Mr. Lindsey on his resigning
the living of Catterick, and “Discourses on the Providence and Government of God.
” ' In