, a famous Cordelier, and one of the ablest critics of his time,
, a famous Cordelier, and one of the
ablest critics of his time, was born at Rognes, a small town
in Provence, March 31, 1624. He took the monk’s habit
in the convent of the Cordeliers at Aries, and professed
himself there in 1641. After he had finished the usual
course of studies in philosophy and divinity, he preached
some time, and was at length made four times provincial
of his order. These occupations did not hinder him from
applying to chronology and ecclesiastical history, in which
he excelled. He printed in the Journal des Savans, Nov.
11, 1686, a learned “Dissertation upon the Consular Office,
” in which he pretends to have discovered the rules,
according to which the Roman emperors took the dignity
of consul at some certain times more than others, but in
this he is not thought to have been successful. His most
considerable work is “A Critique upon the Annals of Baronius;
” in which he has rectified an infinite number of
mistakes, both in chronology and in facts. He published
the first volume of this work, containing the first four centuries, at Paris, in 1689; with a dedication to the clergy
of France, who allowed him a pension. The whole work
was printed after his death, in four volumes, folio, at Geneva, in 1705, by the care of his nephew, father Francis
Pagi, of the same order. It is carried to the year 1198,
where Baronius ends. Pagi was greatly assisted in it by
the abbe* Longuerue, who also wrote the eloge of our
author, which is prefixed to the Geneva edition. Another
edition was published at Geneva in 1727. It is a work of
great utility, but the author’s chronology of the popes of
the first three centuries is not approved by the learned.
He has also prefixed a piece concerning a new chronological period, which he calls “Graeco-Romana,
” and uses
for adjusting all the different epochas, which is not without its inconveniences. Our author wrote some other
works of inferior note before his death, at Aix, in Provence,
June 7, 1699. His character is that of 'a very able historian, and a learned and candid critic. His style has all the
simplicity and plainness which suits a chronological narration. He held a correspondence with several learned men,
as Stillingfleet, Spanheim, Cuper, Dodwell, the cardinal
Noris, &c.