, a fanatical priest, who, destitute of genius, thought to supply
, a fanatical priest, who, destitute of
genius, thought to supply that defect by buffooneries and
plots against the Calvinists. He was arrested on the Loire
1561, charged with a petition of the monks to Philip II.
that he would succour religion, which was in great danger.
The parliament sentenced him to the amende honorable,
and five years’ confinement among the Carthusians. He
was living in 1578. His works are numerous, and as dull
as their titles promise: “Dispute de Guillot le Porcher,
centre Jean Calvin,
” Les grands jours du
Parlemeut de Dieu, publie par St. Matthieu;
” “Les Ravages et le Deluge des Chevaux de louage, avec le retour
de Guillot le Porcher;
” “Sur les Miseres et les Calamites
du Regne present;
” “Les Combats du fidele Papiste,
contre l'Apostat Antipapiste,
” Lyons,