, a geographer of considerable note, was born at Delft in Holland,
, a geographer of considerable note, was born at Delft in Holland, February 14,
1533, After applying to his studies with much assiduity,
he was ordained priest in 1561, and was director of the
nuns of St. Barbara until the civil wars obliged him to take
refuge first at Mecklin, then at Maestricht, and lastly at
Cologne, where he died, June 20, 1585. He published
“Vita Jesu Christi, ex quatuor evangelistis breviter contexta,
” Antwerp, Theatrum Terra; Sanctse,
” or,
history of the Holy Land, illustrated with maps, and printed
in 1590, 1595, 1600, 1628, and 1682, foL; a proof of the
esteem in which it was long held, although his authorities
are thought to be sometimes exceptionable. The second
part, which contains a description of Jerusalem, was printed
by the author in 1584, and was reprinted after his death
in 1588, and 1592, 8vo. He sometimes took the name
of Christianus Crucius, in allusion to his banishment and