, a learned Fleming, was the son of Adolphus, counsellor of state
, a learned Fleming, was the son
of Adolphus, counsellor of state to the emperor Charles V.
and born at Bruges in 1536. He was educated at Louvain
and Paris, and became afterwards a learned divine and
critic. Obtaining a canonry in the church of Bruges, he
collected a library, and formed a design of giving good
editions of the fathers; but the civil wars obliged him to
retire to St. Omer’s, of which place the bishop made him
archdeacon. Some time after, Philip II. king of Spain
named him to the provostship of St. Saviour at Utrecht,
and after that to the bishopric of St. Omer’s: but, as he
went to Brussels to take possession of it, he died at Mons
in Huinault, in 1587. He is chiefly known for his critical
labours upon “Tertullian and Cyprian;
” of both which
writers he published editions, and prefixed lives. “The
commentaries of this author upon Tertullian,
” says Dupin,
“are both learned and useful but he digresses too much
from his subject, and brings in things of no use to the understanding of his author:
” and he passes much the same
judgment of his labours upon Cyprian. All the later editors, however, of these two fathers have spoken well of Pamelius, and have transcribed his best notes into their editions.