, a learned German chronologist, the son of a Lutheran peasant,
, a learned German chronologist,
the son of a Lutheran peasant, was born at Gorschleben,
a village of Thuringia, in 1556. Being very poor in his
youth, he got his livelihood by his skill in music, which
he learned very early, and was so liberally encouraged at
Magdeburgh, that he was enabled to study for some time
at the university of Helmstadt, where he made great progress in the learned languages, and in chronology and
astronomy. He died at Leipsic, where he held the office
of chantor, in 1615. His “Opus Chronologicum
” appeared first in Elenchus calendarii a papa Gregorio XIII.
” or, a “Confutation of the calendar, approved and established by pope Gregory XI 11.
” Vossius
tells us, that he not only attempts in this work to shew the
errors of the Gregorian calendar, but offers also a new and
more concise, as well as truer method of reforming the calendar. He was the author also of “Enodatio duarum
questionum, viz. circa annum Nativitatis et Tempus Ministerii Christi,
” Ertbrd, Chronology
was often reprinted. Of his musical talents, he has left
ample proofs to posterity in his short treatise called
“Μελοποια, sive Melodiæ condendæ ratio, quam vulgò
musicam poeticam vocant, ex veris fundamentis extracta
et explicata,
” 1592. This ingenious tract contains, though
but a small duodecimo volume, all that was known at the
time concerning harmonics and practical music; as he has
compressed into his little book the science of most of the
best writers on the subject; to which he has added short
compositions of his own, to illustrate their doctrines and
precepts. With respect to composition, he not only gives
examples of concords and discords, and their use in combination, but little canons and fugues of almost every kind
then known. He composed, in 1615, the 150th psalm in
twelve parts, for three choirs, as an Epithalamium on the
nuptials of his friend Casper Ankelman, a merchant of
Hamburgh, and published it in folio at Leipsic the same
year. Several of his hymns and motets appear in a collection of Lutheran church music, published at Leipsic, 1618,
in eight volumes 4to, under the following title: “Florilegium portens CXV. selectissimas Cantiones, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
voc. prsBstantissimorum Auctorum.
” Some of these which
Dr. Burney had the curiosity to score, have the laws of
harmony and fugue preserved inviolate.