, a learned Icelander, who acquired a great reputation for astronomy
, a learned Icelander, who acquired a great reputation for astronomy and the sciences,
was coadjutor to Gundebrand of Thorbac, bishop of Holum in Iceland, who was also of that nation, a man of great
learning and probity, had been a disciple of Tycho Brahe,
and understood astronomy very well. After his death, the
see of Holum was offered by the king of Denmark to
Anagrimus, who begged to be excused; desiring to avoid the
envy that might attend him in that high office, and to be
at leisure to prosecute his studies. He chose therefore to
continue as he was, pastor of the church of Melstudt, and
intendant of the neighbouring churches of the last-mentioned diocese. He died in 1640, at the age of ninety-five.
He wrote several books in honour of his country, against
the calumnies of Blefkenius and others, which are well
esteemed; the titles whereof are, “Idea veri magistratus,
Copenhagen, Brevis commentarius de Islandia, ibid. 1593,
” 8vo. “Anatome Blefkeniana. Holi in
Iceland, 1612,
” 8vi, and at Hamburgh, 1618, 4to. “Epistola pro patria defensoria,
” ibid. 'ATrorpiGv calumniae,
” ibid. 1622, 4to. “Crymogeea, seu rerum Islandicarum libri tres, ibid. 1630,
” 4to. This was written in
Islandi.i; historicum et magna ex parte chorographicum,
Amstelod. Vita Gundebrandi Thorlacii,
” Lugd.