, a learned civilian and writer, was born in the thirteenth century,
, a learned civilian and writer, was
born in the thirteenth century, according to some at
Parma, or, as others report, in Flanders, and he has been
sometimes confounded with James of Ravenna, but there
is less doubt respecting his productions. He wrote commentaries on the Code and the Digest, which are yet consulted with advantage, and few works of the kind are in
higher esteem than what he wrote on the duties of executors, entitled “De Commissariis,
” Venice, De excussione bonarum,
” Cologne,
De Bannitis
” has a
distinguished place in the collection of writers on criminal
law, published at Francforr, 1587, fol. We have no dates
of his birth and death, but he is said to have been law professor both at Padua and Bologna.
that office several years with great reputation, and died in 156S. He is said to have been not only a learned civilian, but an excellent poet, orator, and philosopher.
, professor
of canon law in the university of Bononia in Italy, in the
sixteenth century, was descended from the earls of Fife
in Scotland, and born in that county in the reign of James
V. He was educated at St. Andrew’s, from whence he removed to Paris, and, having spent some time in that university, proceeded to Bononia, where he commenced doctor of laws, and was afterwards appointed professor of canon law. He continued in that office several years with
great reputation, and died in 156S. He is said to have
been not only a learned civilian, but an excellent poet,
orator, and philosopher. He wrote “P. Bissarti opera
omnia viz. poemata, orationes, lectiones feriales, &c.
, a learned civilian, was born near Tottenham, in Middlesex, in
, a learned civilian, was born near
Tottenham, in Middlesex, in 1557. His father was Cæsar
Adelmar, physician to queen Mary and queen Elizabeth
lineally descended from Adelmar count of Genoa, and admiral of France, in the year 806, in the reign of Charles
the Great. This Cæsar Adelmar’s mother was daughter to
the duke de Cesarini, from whom he had the name of
Cæsar which name Mary I. queen of England, ordered
to be continued to his posterity and his father was Peter
Maria Dalmarius, of the city of Trevigio in Italy, LL. D.
sprung from those of his name living at Cividad del Friuli.
Julius, who is the subject of this article, had his education in
the university of Oxford, where he took the degree of B. A.
May 17, 1575, as a member of Magdalen hall. Afterwards
he went and studied in the university of Paris where, in
the beginning of 1581, he was created D. C. L. and had
letters testimonial for it, under the seal of that university,
dated the 22d of April, 1531. He was admitted to the
same degree at Oxford, March the 5th, 1583; and also
became doctor of the canon law. In the reign of queen Elizabeth, he was master of requests, judge of the high court
of admiralty, and master of St. Catherine’s hospital near
the Tower. On the 22d of January, 1595, he was present
at the confirmation of Richard Vaughan, bishop of Bangor,
in the church of St. Mary-le-Bow, London. Upon kingJames’s accession to the throne, having before distinguished
himself by his merit and abilities, he was knighted by that
prince, at Greenwich, May 20, 1603. He was also constituted chancellor and under- treasurer of the exchequer
and on the 5th of July, 1607, sworn of his majesty’s privy
council. January 16th, in the eighth of king James I. he
obtained a reversionary grant of the office of master of the
rolls after sir Edward Phillips, knight; who, departing this
life September 11, 1614, was succeeded accordingly by
sir Julius, on the 1st of October following; and then he
resigned his place of chancellor of the exchequer. In
1613 he was one of the commissioners, or delegates employed in the business of the divorce between the earl of
Essex and his countess; and gave sentence for that divorce.
About the same time, he built a chapel at his house, <on
the north side of the Strand, in London, which was consecrated, May 8, 1614. As he had been privy-counsellor
to king James I. so was he also to his son king Charles I.;
and appears to have been custos rotulorum of the county
of Hertford. We are likewise informed by one author,
that he was chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster. After
having thus passed through many honourable employments,
and continued in particular, master of the rolls for above
twenty years, he departed this life April 28, 1636, in the
seventy-ninth year of his age. He lies buried in the church
of Great St. Helen’s within Bishopgate, London, under
a fair, but uncommon monument, designed by himself;
being in form of a deed, and made to resemble a ruffled
parchment, in allusion to his office as master of the rolls.
With regard to his character, he was a man of great gravity and integrity, and remarkable for his extensive bounty
and charity to all persons of worth, or that were in want:
so that he might seem to be almoner-general of the nation.
Fuller gives the following instance of his uncommon charity
“A gentleman once borrowing his coach (which was as well known to poor people as any hospital in England)
was so rendezvouzed about with beggars in London, that
it cost him all the money in his purse to satisfy their importunity, so that he might have hired twenty coaches on
the same terms.
” He entertained for some time in hisr
house the most illustrious Francis lord Bacon, viscount
St. Alban’s. He made his grants to all persons double
kindnesses by expedition, and cloathed (as one expresses it) his very denials in such robes of courtship, that it was
not obviously discernible, whether the request or denial
were most decent. He had also this peculiar to himself,
that he was very cautious of promises, lest falling to an
incapacity of performance he might forfeit his reputation,
and multiply his certain enemies, by hisoiesign of creating
uncertain friends. Besides, he observed a sure principle
of rising, namely, that great persons esteem better of such
they have done great courtesies to, than those they have
received great civilities from; looking upon this as their
disparagement, the other as their glory.
s honoured, was born at Hamburgh in 1613. He was a good poet, an able physician, a great orator, and a learned civilian. He gained the esteem of all the learned in
, a man eminent for wit and
learning, and for the civil employments with which he was
honoured, was born at Hamburgh in 1613. He was a
good poet, an able physician, a great orator, and a learned
civilian. He gained the esteem of all the learned in Holland while he studied at Leyden; and they liked his Latin
poems so well, that they advised him to print them. He
was for some time counsellor to the bishop of Lubec, and
afterwards syndic of the city of Dantzic. This city also
honoured him with the dignity of burgomaster^ and sent
him thirteen times deputy in Poland. He died at Warsaw,
during the diet of the kingdom, in 1667. The first edition
of his poems, in 1632, was printed upon the encouragement of Daniel Heinsius, at whose house he lodged. He
published a second in 1638, with corrections and additions:
to which he added a satire in prose, entitled “Pransus
” which he dedicated to Salmasius; and in which
he keenly ridiculed the poets who spend their time in
making anagrams, or licentious verses, as also those who
affect to despise poets. The most complete edition of his
poems is that of Leipsic, 1685, published under the direction of his son. It contains also Orations of our author,
made to the kings of Poland; an Oration spoken at Leyden in 1632, concerning the siege and deliverance of that
city and the Medical Theses, which were the subject of
his public disputations at Leyden in 1634, &c.
, surnamed Mofa, was a learned civilian of Padua, who, after being a law professor
, surnamed Mofa, was a
learned civilian of Padua, who, after being a law professor
at Padua, Pisa, and Pavia, as far as 1557, left Italy, in
order to make a public profession of the Protestant religion; but who, like some other Italian converts, imbibed
the heresy of the Antitrinitarians. After having been professor of civil law at Tubingen for some time, he quitted
the employment, in order to escape the punishment he
would have incurred, had he been convicted of his errors.
He was seized at Bern, where he feigned to renounce his
opinions, in order to escape very severe treatment; but, as
he relapsed again, and openly favoured the heretics, who
had been driven from Geneva, he would, as Beza intimates, certainly have been put to death, if he had not died
of the plague in September 1567, or as others say in 1564.
In a journey to Geneva, during the trial of Servetus, he
desired to have a conference with Calvin, which Calvin at
first refused, but afterwards granted; and then Gribaldus,
though he came according to the appointed time and place,
refused to confer, because Calvin would not give him his
hand, till they should be agreed on the articles of the
Trinity. He was afterwards cited to appear before the
magistrates, in order to give an account of his faith; but,
his answers not being satisfactory, he was commanded to
leave the city. He wrote several works, which are esteemed
by the public; as “Commentarii in legem de rerum
mistura, & de jure fisci,
” printed in Italy. “Commentarii in pandectas juris,
” at Lyons. “Commentarii in aliquot praecipuos Digesti,
” &c. Francfort, Historia Francisci Spira?, cui anno 1548, familiaris aderat, secundum quae ipse viclit & audivit,
” Basil, De methoclo ac
ratione studendi in jure civili libri tres,
” Lyons,
, a learned civilian and able statesman, was descended from a family
, a learned civilian and able statesman, was descended from a family in Wales, being the son of Leoline Jenkins, who was possessed of an estate of 40l, a year, at Llantrisaint, in Glamorganshire, where this son was born about 1623. He discovered an excellent genius and disposition for learning, by the great progress he made in Greek and Latin, at Cowbridge-school, near Llantrisaint; whence he was removed in 1641 to Jesus-r college, in Oxford, and upon the breaking out of the civil war soon after, took up arms, among other students, on the side of the king. This, however, did not interrupt his studies, which he continued with all possible vigour; not leaving Oxford till after the death of the king. He then retired to his own country, near Llantrythyd, the seat of sir John Aubrey, which, having been left void by sequestration, served as a refuge to several eminent loyalists; among whom was Dr. Mansell, the late principal of his college. This gentleman invited him to sir John Aubrey’s house, and introduced him to the friendship of the rest of his fellow-sufferers there, as Frewen, abp. of York, and Sheldon, afterwards abp. of Canterbury; a favour which through his own merit and industry, laid the foundation of all his future fortunes. The tuition of sir John Aubrey’s eldest son was the first design in this invitation; and he acquitted himself in it so well, that he was soon after recommended in the like capacity to many other young gentlemen of the best rank and quality in those parts, whom he bred up in the doctrine of the church of England, treating them like an intimate friend rather than a master, and comforting them with hopes of better times.
, a learned civilian, was born at Dantzic May 4, 1631. His father
, a learned civilian, was
born at Dantzic May 4, 1631. His father originally intended him for commercial life, and sent him to Holland
with that view; but as he betrayed a stronger inclination
to study, and employed all his leisure hours in acquiring
knowledge that could be of no use in trade, he was permitted to enter upon a regular course of academic instruction at Leyden. At this university, which he entered in
1650, he was enabled to profit by the instructions of those
learned contemporaries, Salmasius, Daniel Heinsius, Boxhornius, Golius, &c. and he had not been here above two
years before he published an excellent edition of Minutius
Felix, in quarto, dedicated to Christina queen of Sweden. Both Niceron and Morhoff accuse him of plagiarism in this work; but Chaufepie defends him, and apparently with justice. Besides the belles-lettres, he studied law, both at Leyden and Utrecht, and took his doctor’s degree at the former in 1654. Next year he visited
England and France, and meant to have proceeded to
Italy; but hearing at Geneva that the plague raged there,
he went a second time to England and France, and
returned to Holland in 1657. He afterwards resided, partly
at Utrecht, and partly at Leyden and the Hague, until
1667, when he was appointed professor of law at Grofiingen. The conformity of his ideas with those of Puffendorf occasioned a great intimacy between them. Oisel
accumulated a large library, a catalogue of which was
published about the time of his death, which happened
June 20, 1686. His other works were principally an edition of Aulus Gellius, Leyden, 1666, 8vo, and a treatise
entitled “Thesaurus selectorum numismatum antiquorum
aere expressorum,
” Amst.
, a learned civilian and philologer of Germany, was the son of Balthasar
, a learned civilian and philologer of Germany, was the son of Balthasar Rittershusius of Brunswic, and born there Sept. 25, 1560. He was taught Greek and Latin in his own country, at the school of which his mother’s brother, Matthias Berg, was rector; and, in 1580, went to Helmstad, where he applied himself to the civil law; but without neglecting the belles lettres, which formed his most lasting pursuit. After recovering from the plague, by which he was endangered in this town, he removed to Altorf in 1584, to profit by the lectures of Gifanius, for whom he conceived a particular esteem. He began to travel in 1587, went through part of Germany, and came to Bohemia. Being afterwards at Basil in 1592, he took the degree of doctor of law, and returned to Altorf, to fill the professor’s chair, which the curators of the university had given him some time before. He had many advantageous proposals from other universities of Germany and Holland, but his attachment to Altorf would not suffer him to accept them. He died at Altorf May 25, 1613, after having married two wives, by whom he had nine children. Two of his sons, George and Nicolas, distinguished themselves in the republic of letters; and George wrote the life of his father.
, a learned civilian, and celebrated writer of Germany, was descended
, a learned civilian, and celebrated
writer of Germany, was descended of an ancient and wealthy
family, and born at Augsburg, June 20, 1558. He was
educated with great care; and, as he discovered a love for
polite literature, was sent very young to Rome, where he
was a pupil of Antony Muretus, in 1575. He joined to
the study of antiquity that of the Italian tongue, and wrote
it with great elegance. Upon his return to his own country he applied himself to the bar in 1589; obtained the
dignity of a senator in 1592; was advanced to be a member
of the little council in 1594; and was elected praetor in
1600. He discharged all these offices with great
reputation, and was the ornament of his country. He loved
and patronized learning and learned men; and never any
person had more friends in the republic of letters. He
furnished assistance to several authors; and particularly
contributed to the great collection of inscriptions published
by Gruter. He gave the security of a thousand florins, in
order to procure to Rittershusius a manuscript of the
epistles of Isodorus Pelusiota, which was in the library of
the duke of Bavaria, and could not be had without such
security; and, what made this act of generosity the greater,
he did it without Rittershusius’s knowledge. He was also
the author of several works of reputation himself. His
first essay, according to Melchior Adam, was a work which
he published at Venice in 1594, thus entitled: “Reruin
Augustanarum Vindelicarum Libri Octo, quibus a prima
Rhaetorum ac Vindelicorum origine ad annum usque 552
a Nato Christo nobilissimae gentis Historia et Antiquitates
traduntur; ac antiqua monumenta, tarn quae Augusta?,
quam quae in agro Augustano, quia et quae alibi extant
ad res Augustanas spectantia sere incisa et notis illustrata
” In Rerum Boicarum libri quinque, Historiam a gentis origine ad
Carolum Magnum complexi,
” containing the history of
Bavaria from the year Prolegomena,
” in which he informs us of
many particulars concerning him. As Velserus held a
great correspondence with the learned of Italy, and several
other countries, many of his Latin and Italian letters were
collected and inserted in this edition. He passed for the
author of a celebrated piece called Squittinio della liberta
Veneta," which was published in 1612. Gassendi having
observed that several ascribed this book to Peiresc, adds,
that they were deceived; and that it was probably written
bv the illustrious Yemenis, as he calls him. Velserus’s genius, liberality of mind, his fine taste, and his classical
diction, enabled him to communicate his historical acquisitions to the public with success and applause. He died
June 13, 1614, and left no issue by his marriage. He was
one of those who never would suffer his picture to be drawn;
yet it was done without his knowledge, as Gassendi informs
us in hi> life of Peiresc.
” to the university. But he was not elected to this office without some struggle. Dr. Richard Zouch, a learned civilian, who, as his friend Mr. Henry Stubbe represents
In the same year, on the death of Dr. Gerard Langbaine,
Dr. Wallis was chosen to succeed him in the place of
“Gustos Archivorum
” to the university. But he was not
elected to this office without some struggle. Dr. Richard
Zouch, a learned civilian, who, as his friend Mr. Henry
Stubbe represents the. case, had been an assessor in the
vice chancellor’s court for, thirty years and more, and was
well versed in the statutes, liberties, and privileges of the
Universit3 T stood in opposition to our author. But the
election being carried for Dr. Wallis, provoked Mr. Stubbe,
a great admirer of Mr. Hobbes, to publish a pamphlet entitled, “The Savilian Professor’s Case stated:
” London,
De Cissoide.et corporibus inde genitis.