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Currently only Chalmers’ Biographical Dictionary is indexed, terms are not stemmed, and diacritical marks are retained.

a learned doctor and librarian of the house and society of the

, a learned doctor and librarian of the house and society of the Sorbonne, was born of an opulent family at Paris, in 1677. He was well acquainted with the learned languages, particularly Hebrew, possessed great literary knowledge, and discovered much affection for young persons who were fond of study, encouraging them by his example and advice, and taking pleasure in lending them his books. He died suddenly at his country house, at Chaillot, near Paris, Sept. 9, 1736, aged fiftynine. He published a very useful work illustrative of a part of ecclesiastical history, entitled “Traite de Petude des Conciles,” with an account of the principal authors and works, best editions, &c. upon the subject of councils, Paris, 1724, 4to. This has been translated into German, and printed at Leipsic, in 1729. He intended also to have given a supplement to “Father Labbe’s Collection of Councils,” and an “Index Sorbonicus,” or alphabetical library, in which was to be given, under the names of the respective authors, their acts, lives, chronicles, histories, books, treatises, bulls, &c. but did not live to complete either.