, a learned medallist, was born at Gratz in Stiria in 1700, and
, a learned medallist, was born
at Gratz in Stiria in 1700, and entered the society of the
Jesuits in 1716. His reputation afterwards procured him.
the professorship of belles lettres and mathematics at
Vienna, where he employed his leisure hours in the pursuit of medallic history. He died in 1758. His works are,
1. “Utilitas rei nummariae, et Appendiculse ad numos
coloniarum per Cl. Vaillantium editse,
” Vienna, Quatuor Tentamina in re numaria vetere,
” ibid. Animadversiones in quosdam numos veteres urbium,
” ibid. Appendiculae duae novae ad numismata antiqua a Cl.
Vaillantio edita,
” ibid. Opusculum posthumum de familia Vaballathi,
” where
there is also an eulogium on Froelich. 5. “Annales compend. regum et rerum Syriae,
” ibid. Regum veterum numismata,
” ibid. Dubia de
Minnisari, aliorumque Armenias regum numis et Arsacidarum epocha nuper vulgatis proposita,
” ibid. Diplomatorium Garstensium emendatum, auctum, et
” ibid. Casulse S. Stephani,
regis Hungariae, vera imago et expositio,
” ibid. Ad numismata regum veterum anecdota aut rariora
accessio nova,
” ibid. Notitia elementaria
antiquorum illorum, quse urbium liberarum, regum et
principum, ac personarum illustrium, appellantur,
” ibid.
excellent and useful,
” although not altogether without
faults. He particularly mentions that the list of Greek
cities of which we have coins is defective in about a third
of the number; and he censures, in strong terms, the
plan of splitting the series of kings of every realm into
different epochs. After Froelich’s death was published,
as already mentioned, the “Opusculum posthumum de familia Vaballathi numis illustrata,
” with an appendix to the
“Numismata antiqua,
” edited by Joseph Khell, Specimen Archontologiae Carinthiae.