, a learned professor of divinity in the university of llinteln,
, a learned professor of divinity in
the university of llinteln, in the country of Hesse, was
born in January 1616. He was educated at Zell, Lunenburg, and Helmstad; and after having studied at this last
four years, was received doctor in philosophy. Having
afterwards read some lectures, and presided in public disputations, he gained the friendship in an especial manner of
doctor Calixtus and doctor Horneius, two famous divines.
He was appointed professor of metaphysics and of Hebrew,
in the university of Rinteln, in 1643; and a year and a
half after this, being invited to Bardewik, to be superintendant, he discharged the duties of that employment
during five years, with so much care and diligence, that
duke Augustus of Brunswick would have appointed him
&ole inspector of the diocese of Wolfenbuttel, but he returned to Rinteln in 1651, and was made professor of divinity, had a seat in the ecclesiastical consistory, and was
also made inspector of the churches in the earldom of
Schauemburg. He was a man of great candor and moderation, and ardently wished that there might be an union
between the Lutherans and Calvinists, which occasioned
his bein^ suspected bv both parties. He was himself a
Lutheran, and a man of great erudition. He died at Rinteln June 27, 1671, leaving the following works: 1. “DisserUitio de Majestate civili,
” Rintel. De
cultu creaturarum &, imaginufn dissert.
” ibid. De libertate Arbitrii, imprimis Je concursu causne secundce cum primis,
” ibid. De Officio boni
Principis piique Subditi,
” ibid. Dissertatio de Pceniteutia lapsorum,
” ibid. DC
Gratia & Prxdestinatione Dissertatio,
” ibid. 1663, 4to.
7. “Compendium S. Theologian,
” ibid. De Veritate Religionis Christiana?,
” ibid. Institutiones Theologica,
” Brunsvigce, Historiae Ecclesiasticoe & Civilis Pars I.
” Rinte).
Disputationes de Mysterio S. S. Trinitatis: de Confessione Augustini, de fide & operibus,
” &c.