, a man of learning and ingenuity, the son of Christopher Russel,
, a man of learning and ingenuity,
the son of Christopher Russel, esq. of Minorca, was born
in 1728. He was bred at Westminster-school, and in 1746
was admitted a member of St. Mary’s hall, Oxford. He
commenced a poet in 1744, or before; for in his collection
are verses on seeing lady Elizabeth Boyle dance at Marston on her father’s birth-day in that year. In April 1750
he was admitted bachelor of arts, but. did not determine or
complete his decree until 1752. About 1753 he obtained
the rectory of Skull, in the diocese of Cork, in Ireland, by r
the patronage of John, fifth earl of Oork and Orrery. With
that nobleman he appears to have lived in intimacy, as well
as with his second son, Hamilton Boyle, and frequently
visited Marston. He died in 1767; and two years after,
were published, in 2 vols. 8vo, “The Works^of the late
Rev. George Russel, Rector of Skull, in the diocese of
” From the few specimens Mr. Malone has given,
he seems justified in saying that these work?, though little
known, owing probably to their having been published only
in Ireland, have very considerable merit.