, a man of uncommon abilities and learning, was the sun of a counsellor
, a man of uncommon abilities and learning, was the sun of a counsellor
and secretary to Jane d' Albert, queen of Navarre; and
born at Maulcon de Soule in the country of Biscay in i
He made a considerable progress in literature; and, when
not more than twenty, began a commentary upon Homer’s
Iliad and Odyssey, winch was printed at Basil in 1583, fblie,
with a dedication to the king of Navarre, afterwards Henry
IV. of France. In this work, if there is not much noveky
of critical discovery, there is more display of reading and
learning than could have been expected in one so young.
The same year, he printed an edition of Aristotle’s “Logic
at Basil, in Greek and Latin, with marginal notes. He abjured the reformed religion in 1593, and immediately published a declaration of his reasons, but does not appear to
have enjoyed much comfort in his new communion. He
left the court soon after his abjuration, and went to conceal himself in the mountains of Biscay; where he died
March 18, 1595, and was buried at Bourdeaux. He is it-presented as having spent this short life in much fatigue
and misery.