, or Menin, a most celebrated German orientalist, was born in Lorraine, then
, or Menin, a
most celebrated German orientalist, was born in Lorraine,
then subject to the emperor, in 1623; and for copiousness
of learning, elegance of genius, and profound knowledge
of languages, particularly those of the East, proved
undoubtedly one of the principal ornaments of the age in
which he lived. He studied at Rome under Giattino. When
he was about thirty, his love of letters induced him to accompany the Polish ambassador to Constantinople, where
he studied the Turkish language under Bobovius and Ahmed, two very skilful teachers. So successful was he in
this study, that when he had been there only two years,
the place of first interpreter to the Polish embassy at the
Porte was promised to him. When the place became vacant, he was accordingly appointed to it, and obtained so
much credit by his conduct, that, after a time, he was sent
for into Poland, and again sent out with full powers as ambassador to the Porte. For his able execution of this office,
he was further honoured, by being naturalized in Poland,
on which occasion he added the Polish termination of ski
to his family name, which was Menin. Being desirous
afterwards to extend his sphere of action, he went to the
court of the emperor, as interpreter of oriental languages,
in 1661. Here also, as in other instances, his talents and
behaviour obtained the highest approbation; on which account he was not only sent as interpreter to several imperial ambassadors at the Porte, but was entrusted in many
important and confidential services, and, in 1669, having
paid a visit to the holy sepulchre at Jerusalem, was made
one of the knights of that order. After his return to Vienna
he was advanced to further honours; being made one of
the counsellors of war to the emperor, and first interpreter of oriental languages. He died at Vienna, at the
age of seventy-five, in 1698. His great work, 1. The
“Thesaurus linguarum orientalium,
” was published at
Vienna, in Complenaentum Thesauri linguarum orientalium, seu onomasticum Latino-Turcico-Arabico-Persicum.
”* The former volumes having
become extremely scarce, partly on account of the destruction of a great part of the impression in the siege of
Vienna by the Turks in 1683, a design was formed some
time ago in England of reprinting the work, by a society of
learned men, among whom was sir William Jones. But as
this undertaking, probably on account of the vast expenee
which must have been incurred, did not proceed, the empress queen, Maria Theresa, who had heard of the plan,
took it upon herself, and with vast liberality furnished every
thing necessary for its completion. In consequence of this,
it was begun to be splendidly republished at Vienna in
1780, with this title, “Francisci a Mesgnien Meninski
Lexicon Arabico-Persico-Turcicum, adjecta ad singulas
voces et phrases interpretatione Latina, ad usitatiores,
etiam Italica,
” and has been completed in four volumes,
folio. In this edition, say the editors, the Lexicon of Meninski may be said to be increased, diminished, and
Amended. Increased, because many Arabic and Persian
words are added, from Wankuli and Ferhengi, the best
Arabic and Persic Lexicographers whom the East has produced; and, from Herbelot, are inserted the names of
kingdoms, cities, and rivers, as well as phrases in common
use among the Turks, &c. diminished, because many useless synonyma are omitted, which rather puzzled than assisted the student; as well as all the French, Polish, and
German interpretations, the Latin being considered as sufficient for all men of learning amended, with respex?t to
innumerable typographical errors which, from a work of
this naturej Ho care can perhaps altogether exclude, Brunei
remarks, however, that this edition does not absolutely
supplant the preceding, as the grammar and onomasticon
are not reprinted in it. There is a Vienna edition of the
grammar, entitled “Institutiones linguae Turcicae,
” Prodromus novi linguarum Orientalium collegii, jussu
Aug. &c. erigendi, in Univ. Viennensi
” to which Meninski opposed, 2. “Meninskii Antidotum in Prodromum
novi ling*, orient collegii, &c.
” 4to. But such was the credit of his antagonist in the university, that soon after there
came out a decree, in the name of the rector and consistory, in which that antidote of Meninski’s is proscribed
and prohibited, for six specific reasons, as impious and infamous. Meninski was defended against this formidable attack by a friend, in a small tract, entitled “Veritasdefensa,
seu justitia causae Dn. F. de M. M. [Meninski] contra infame decretum Universitatis Viennensis, anno 1674, 23
Novernbris, &c. ab Amico luci exposita, anno 1675,
” in
which this friend exposes, article by article, the falsehood
of the decree, and exclaims strongly against the arts of
Podesta. This tract is in the British Museum. Podesta
was oriental secretary to the emperor, and professor of
those languages at Vienna but is described in a very
satirical manner by the defender of Meninski “Podesta,
natura Semi-Italus, statura nanus, caecutiens, balbus, imo
bardus repertus, aliisque vitiis ac stultitiis plenus, adeoque
ad discendas linguas Orientales inhabilis.
” A list of the
works of Podesta, is, however, given by the late editors of