, a native of Chalcis in Ccelosyria, an eminent philosopher, flourished
, a native of Chalcis in Ccelosyria, an
eminent philosopher, flourished about the beginning of the
fourth century, and was the scholar first of Anatolius, and
afterwards of Porphyry. Having become perfect master of
the mysteries of the Piotinian system, he taught it with
great credit and success, and gained the profound reverence of his scholars by certain wonders which he professed
to perform, by means of an intercourse with invisible beings.
His writings discover extensive reading, but his style is
deficient in accuracy and elegance, and he borrows freely
from other writers, particularly Porphyry, without the
smallest acknowledgment. His philosophical works are
exceedingly obscure, but valuable as authentic documents
respecting the Alexandrian school. Those extant are,
“The Life of Pythagoras
” “An exhortation to the study
of Philosophy
” “Three books on Mathematical learning
“A commentary upon Nicomachus’s Institutes of Arithmetic,
” and a “Treatise on the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians.
” The time and place of
his death are uncertain; but it appears probable that he
died about the year 333. This Jarnblicus must be distinguished from the person of the same name, to whom the
emperor Julian dedicates his epistles; for Julian was
scarcely born at the time when Porphyry’s successor died.