, a native of Holhwic in the diocese of Minister, whose name was
, a native of Holhwic in the diocese of Minister, whose name was Graes, taught ethics
and philosophy at Cologn, in a college of which he became
the head, and died there May 22, 1542. His attachment
to the catholic religion involved him in disputes with
Reuchlin, Hutten, and other professors; who, to ridicule
the style of the Romish divines, the monks, and some religious ceremonies, are supposed to have published “Epistolos obscurorum virorum ad Dominum Magistrum Ortuinum Gratium,
” Lamentationes obscurorum virorum
non prohibits per Sedem Apostolicam,
” Cologn, Triumphus
B. Job,
” in elegiac verse, in three books, Cologn, Fasciculus rerum expetendarum et fugiendarum,