erited such a commentator and admirer as Tasso. Her poems were collected in 1561. She was married to a nobleman of Brescia in the Venetian state, where she died. Calvi
was born at Bergamo, of an ancient and noble family, but derived greater renown from her talents than her birth. She excelled in Italian poetry, and merited such a commentator and admirer as Tasso. Her poems were collected in 1561. She was married to a nobleman of Brescia in the Venetian state, where she died. Calvi has made very honourable mention of her in his account of the writers of Bergamo.
, a nobleman of Brescia, in the territory of Venice, and celebrated
, a nobleman of Brescia, in the territory of Venice, and celebrated as a philologer and historian, was born in 1707, and educated principally at Bononia; but after his marriage, he appears
to have devoted himself to his private studies, which
turned chiefly on subjects of antiquity and biography.
He accumulated a very curious collection of medals of
learned men, an account of which was published in Latin
and Italian by a writer who styles himself Petrus Antonius de Comitibus Gaetanis, Brixianus Presbyter, & Patricius Romanus. This work is in 2 vols. folio, printed in
1761 and 1763. Mazzuchelli died in November 1765. His
principal writings are, 1. “Notizie Historiche e Critiche,
intorno alia vita, alle inventione, ed agli Scritti di Archimede Siracusano,
” Brescia, La vita di Pietro Aretino,
” Padua, Gli Scrittori
d'ltalia, cioe Notitie Storiche e Critiche intorno alle vite,
e agli Scritti dei Letterati Italiahi,