, or Arumceus, a nobleman of Friesland, was born at Leuwarden in 1579, and studied
, or Arumceus, a nobleman
of Friesland, was born at Leuwarden in 1579, and studied
law at Franeker, Oxford, and Rostock. In 1599 he went
to Jena, where, in 1605, he was appointed professor of
law, and where he died Feb. 24, 1637. He is esteemed
one of the most able writers on the German law, and one
of the first who reduced it to a regular system. His
principal works are 1. “Discursus academic! de jure
” Jena, Discursus
academici ad auream bullam Caroli IV.
” ib. 1617, 4to.
3. “Commentaria de comitiis Roman. German, imp.
” ib.