, a prefect or officer under Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt,
, a prefect or officer under Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt, who respected him on account of
his moderation and wisdom, is said to have been df Jewish
origin. Ptolemy is reported to have sent him to demand
of the high priest Eleazar, some learned men to translate
the Jewish laws from Hebrew into Greek, and Eleazar
complied by choosing seventy-two persons, who made the
translation known by the name of the Septuagint. ArLteas
has the credit of having written the history of this translation; and there exists a work of the kind which bears his
name, entitled “Historia de S. Scripturse interpretibus,
Oxon. De Bibliorum Textibus Originalibus,
” Oxon. Dissert, sup. Arist.
” Amst. Connections;
” Owen’s “Inquiry into the
Septuagint Version;
” Blair’s “Lectures on the Canon;
Dupin’s “Preliminary Dissertation to the Bible;
” Michaelis’s “Introduction to the New Testament,
” &c. &c.